Arshpreet Kaur*, Er. Navroz Kaur Kahlon**
*(Computer Engineering Department, UCOE, Punjabi University, Patiala)
** (Asst. Prof. Computer Engineering Department, Punjabi University, Patiala)
(Email: *, **
Abstract-Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) play main role in the design and development of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) who improves the road safety and transportation productivity. VANETs include two communication types i.e. Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Roadside (V2R) communications. One of the most important challenges of this kind of network are the timely, safely and reliable dissemination of messages between vehicular nodes which permits the drivers to take appropriate decisions to improve the road safety. There are many routing protocols for VANETs which can support the reliability and safety for routing. These protocols undergo the several limitations including complexity, lack of scalability, end-to-end delay, routing overheads, etc. To remove these limitations, various bio-inspired methodologies have been proposed for routing among vehicular nodes in an optimized way. Here in this paper, various bio-inspired routing algorithms for the VANET are discussed.
A Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are considered as a specific type of Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) which contains the of a set of mobile nodes (Vehicles)
Norma is someone who cares about what is going on back home when she is not around. The quote, “She would drive a hundred miles round-trip to visit tribal elders in the nursing homes in Spokane.” (pg 67) shows that she went out of her away to go back home to spend time with the people of her tribe. And because it is obvious that she cares for the reservation, my group created a status update of her resharing the nursing home’s post about someone dying and her writing about how she travelling home to visit the nursing home and saying something nice for the man that died.
Bijan Ghassemi Exodus/Deuteronomy 100 Professor Bricker November 29, 2014 Honor vs. Shame Exodus is the second book in The Holy Bible and it is known that the first five books of the Holy Bible including Exodus were written by Moses. Cite a source for this? Moses gained his social and religious leadership within the Israelites as God spoke to him and commanded him later on in the Book of Exodus to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian slavery to freedom.
Although there still needs to be work done, the twenty-first century is bringing in some positive social change. We are especially witnessing this when it comes to women’s rights. These four social trends include: women’s participation in the workforce, women working to keep the family unit together/avoiding divorce, trying to find healthy ways to co-parent rather than having stray men in the house, finding ways to include fathers, and an increased culturally diverse population. These four changing social trends are very important to pay attention to because we will not only see the effects on the entire household dynamic, but we will also see the effects this has on child bearing/rearing. We do not only see this
ABSTRACT: An ad hoc network is a collection of nodes which are dynamically located in such a manner that their inter connections might change on continual basis. A routing protocol is required, to facilitate communication inside the network by discovering routes between the nodes. This research paper classifies various protocols and provides an overview about eight different protocols under varied categories.
Abstract— this paper is an involvement in the field of security study on mobile ad-hoc networks. Boundaries of the mobile ad hoc nodes have been considered in order to design a secure Geographic routing protocol that thwarts selfish and flooding attacks. We took the base of Ad hoc On Demand Routing Protocol (AODV); the most popular Routing protocol. The significance of the proposed protocol that should make sure security as wanted by providing a broad architecture of Secured PPEM Mechanism based Multi-Hop Strong Path Geographic Routing protocol (SMHSP) based on effective key management, secure neighbor detection, secure routing data’s, finding malicious nodes, and eliminating these nodes from routing table. Our results clearly show that our secured Geographic routing protocol increases the throughput and packet delivery ratio while it has a tolerable increase in the routing overhead and average delay. Also, security study proves in details that the proposed protocol
On Lieskovsky et al\cite{Lieskovsky}, the authors present a solution for data distribution and replication in VANET(Vehicle Ad-hoc Networks) that allows the perception the whole VANET system as a simple distributed database system. However, the
A mobile Ad hoc network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes self-configured to form an infra-structure less network. It is important that the routing protocol should be able to find routes that have a high degree of mobility. The challenges to the routing protocol design are the lack of dedicated routing infrastructure. Routing is the process of finding a path from a source to some arbitrary destination on the network. Existing routing protocols can be classified either as proactive or reactive. Routing in MANET is an important issue as it involves sending messages to a destination node in a network. As each node move arbitrarily in MANET, it cause
Guo, M. H., Liaw et Al“Centralized group key management mechanism for VANET,” [13] In this paper the author has been proposed technique of binary search is used in RSU message verification phase. Bloom filter is used to replace hash value in notification message for reducing message overhead and enhancing effectiveness of verification phase. To enhance efficiency pairing operations are reduced from three to two so in the verification phase Vehicles can use its different
Abstract— A VANET network is a subset of ad hoc networks where each mobile node is an intelligent vehicle equipped with communication resources (sensor). The optimal goal is that these networks will contribute to safer roads and more effective in the future by providing timely information to drivers. They are therefore vulnerable to many types of attacks. Many proposals have been proposed to secure communication in VANETs. In this paper; we propose an approach to adopt a new method of distributing certificates in VANET. In Our proposal the cluster-head acts as a virtual CA and issues certificates to cluster members. The main objective of our approach is to avoid making a new certificate request in case a node passes from a cluster to another. This approach has been evaluated by simulation study using the simulator network NS-2.
Ad hoc networks consist of a set of self-organized of mobile nodes which cooperate using a routing protocol to facilitate the communication. They have become very popular in recent years due to their characteristics: easy deployment, lack of infrastructure, dynamic topology, mobility and minimum commissioning costs.
MANET (Mobile Ad-hoc Network) is a infrastructure less network and connected without wired in the network. It is self-determine in any direction and also changes the connections from one system to other system. The MANETs are mobile and is a type of wireless ad-hoc network that has routable networking on top of the link layer. It contained peer to peer file sharing, self-healing, and self-forming the network.
There are number of metrics which are helpful for deciding the efficiency of a protocol. In this work the parameters used to evaluate the efficiency of a protocol are the packet delivery ratio, packet statistics in the network and the throughput of the network. The protocols AODV and AODVBC are checked against these parameters for their performance. Packet delivery ratio of the network is improved as the mobility with respect to the number of nodes changes. Increase in the PDR (Packet delivery ratio is because of the less number of packet drops when AODVBC is used. Fig. 4 justifies the better performance of AODVBC routing protocol over AODV protocol in terms of less number of packets drop.
With ever increasing on road traffic and dynamic nature of road conditions an intelligent transportation system (ITS) is essential. Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETS) takes the responsibility in implementing ITS and is a promising communication scenario for traffic management and safety. VANETs possess unique characteristics like high mobility of nodes, rapid change in the neighbor nodes, stringent deadline for authentication, association times, no fixed infrastructure etc. Though VANETs closely resembles Mobile Ad-hoc Networks traditional security mechanisms are not suitable. This dissertation aims to describe and analyze the most representative VANET security developments and propose an efficient implementation focusing on key exchange and key management aspects, simulating and evaluating the same in OPNET environment.
The objectives of vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communications are to avoid the vehicle crashes, to examine the technological issues that may affect this short range communications, characterise the communication needs of particular vehicle security applications, to monitor the vehicles that breaches the law etc.
Vehicular Ad-hoc networks are used in order to improve the Traffic Efficiency and road side safety.