
The Swerve Analysis

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In the book The Swerve, Stephen Greenblatt brings us back to the past to the time of the discovery of On the Nature of Things by Lucretius and exhibits how it has shaped our world. Going into this book I did not know what to expect and the first chapter did not help me figure out how it was going to be because I felt you had to read farther in the book to be able to get into the topic. Specifically, when it starts off by describing Poggio I did not know how it was going to relate or how it was going to go on from there but as you read on you realize how much went into finding this poem. I found the information given intriguing and interesting do to the fact that I did not know almost any of the information in this book before reading it. There …show more content…

I thought the novel did well on always tying what is said back to the main idea of the story. In each part you can either see how that had built up to the finding of Lucretius’s writing or how the finding has effected people and what their views were on it. As you can see when it would talk about Poggio’s life being a secretary and then becoming a book hunter is what lead him to find this writing that he did not know would effect the world as much as it did. Then it is obviously seen connected when it talks about the either negative or positive views people had had once the poem had gotten around. Specifically when is spoke about how On the Nature of things had an influence on the Utopia’s or when it talks about how Valla was a big supporter of Epicureanism and openly supported the thought of pleasure being the ultimate good. I thought it had a strong ending to go with it’s thesis of the book by stating famously known people who have made a difference in our world that were in the same direction as Lucretius, like Isaac Newton, Charelse Darwin, Einstein and Thomas Jefferson. I thought by doing that really brought the whole book together and really had the reader focused on the main

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