
The Swimmer By John Cheever: A Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

A middle aged man named Neddy goes pool to pool trying to complete a voyage that brings him to his knees. In John Cheever’s “The Swimmer” we go on a journey with Neddy, a man that is struggling to deal with all that has happened in his life. Neddy is forced to come to terms with horrible things that have happened in his past by his fellow neighbors. Neddy is a man that is struggling with knowing who he is and what has happened in his life. Through pieces of the text I can prove that this is what Neddy was struggling with; and that throughout the story Neddy is slowly being defeated and by the end Neddy is completely crushed.
Throughout the short story Cheever uses imagery to prove a point. All through the story you hear Nedy talk about what …show more content…

All of the characters are drinking throughout the story to try and escape their daily endeavours. Cheever repeatedly comments on Neddy needing to have a drink before he continues. In the first paragraph of the story Cheever describes a conversation between Neddy and his friends; they are having a conversation about the night prior and how they all had had too much to drink. During the whole first paragraph Cheever puts the word drank in italics; this tell the reader right off the bat that alcohol is going to play a major role in this story. Cheever writes on page 102, “After swimming the pool he got himself a glass and poured a drink. It was his fourth or fifth and he had swum nearly half the length of the Lucinda River.” Neddy had an issue; after every pool he had conquered he would feel the impulse to keep drinking. Neddy doesn’t realize that the reason behind his drinking is because he is in denial. His life has fallen to pieces and he is refusing to see that; so he drinks and drinks until he can’t remember that any of it has happened. Therefore alcohol is a symbolizes Neddy's non acceptance of what has happened in his life. Even though his neighbors, time after time, tell him what has

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