
The Symbolism Of Hermes In Homer's Odyssey

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Hermes is infamously known for being the messenger of the gods, which is true, however he is also in charge of many other sectors of the world as well. He is the god of travel, merchants, literature, and thieves. Hermes is sometimes thought to be as a trickster because of how he would take any opportunity to trick the gods for the well-being of human kind, or for his own personal gratification, which is why Hermes is sometimes considered to be a trickster. As soon as Hermes was born he stole Apollo’s cattle and said that he didn’t do it, and that is why he became the god of thieves. Hermes had many symbols but for the most part he is mainly associated with Caduceus and his winged sandals. His winged sandals are representative of his immense speed, and the Caduceus is two snakes that wrap around a winged staff. In literature, Hermes, or a character with his traits is mentioned when the character is playing a role reminiscent of a mailman. They are supposed to be the facilitator of occurrences because they send swift messages that allow others to …show more content…

She is the goddess of hunting, the moon and fertility, which in a sense is ironic because she viewed marriage as a restrictive force for women that took away their freedom, and hence she never got married and decided to stay a virgin forever. Artemis caught the eye of many mortal men and gods, but Orion, her hunting partner was the only one that she demonstrated any sense of fondness of. That love however did not work out because Orion died an accidental death, and it is believed it was either Gaia or Artemis’s doing. Artemis had the ability to protect children, and bring as well as take disease form women, while her brother could do the same with men. Artemis played a large role in women’s daily lives because she had to deal with the children’s well-being as well as the mothers own health and marriage, which is why women often worshipped her more than

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