
The Symbols Of Hashtag

Decent Essays

Hashtag is a symbol that is used daily by many users of applications such as twitter, Instagram, Facebook and many others. Hashtags are used by people who are interested in social media as a type of an online communication. Bloggers uses hashtags to update each other’s with certain events, places and make things much easier to find people that are interested in common things, using hashtags make you gain a lot of followers, likes and let you have the chance to communicate better with your friends, audience or even your family. And of course, if you’re launching a new product or a brands name, all these things will help you reaching a large number of your target audience. Hashtags can be used while posting a picture, for example if someone posted a salad plate and he used #salad, so basically if you searched for …show more content…

Moreover, it can be used in a simple Facebook post, status or even news.

Furthermore, there are two types of hashtags branded hashtags which are basically a hashtag that is private to your company for example your product or the campaign’s name. the other type is called community hashtag which is connecting people that have common feelings or thoughts together. One of the notable examples for the “branded hashtags” is Vodafone’s new hashtag for FIFA world cup 2018 #متقطعش. According to the history, it’s been twenty-eight years that Egypt didn’t attend the world cup, so actually Vodafone started to promote its idea and supported the national team by telling Egyptians “stop talking football “Vodafone: Urges Egyptians to stop “prognostication” for the World Cup qualifier campaign, Vodafone Egypt started with a very insightful campaign based on genuine Egyptian cultural facts and traditions. The campaign idea hit on how Egyptians usually try to foretell and forecast the National team’s road to FIFA World Cup. The campaign

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