
The Teaching Philosophy Of Matthys

Satisfactory Essays

The Teaching Philosophy of Matthys J. Uys: A Brief Revision.

Every teacher, since the beginning of time, is unique in his or her own way, and has thus their own teaching philosophy based upon an ultimate goal of education, teaching approaches, views concerning learners, and teaching values, in order to certify that learners learn the necessary knowledge, skills and values as required by the South African Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement. In the following essay my teaching philosophy will be discussed. Firstly, my ultimate goal for education will be mentioned. Secondly, my teaching approaches will be elaborated upon. Thirdly, my teaching values will be stated. In conclusion, the two questions, “What kind of teacher am I?” and “What kind of teacher do I want to be, given who I am and what I stand for?”, will be answered. …show more content…

At the end of the day, if someone asks me what my ultimate goal for education is, I will tell them, “When my learners leave my classroom, I hope I was able to learn them ‘something’ valuable they can apply in their everyday lives, and that the time spent in my classroom was not a waste.” Thus, whether I teach English Home Language or English First Additional Language, I want my learners to be BICS and CALP proficient in order for them to face the world – socially and academically – with their heads held high when they finish

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