
The Tempest Discovery Essay

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Many discoveries have the capacity to make people think, however, only confronting discoveries can transform someone. This statement’s truth is embodied in the engagement between the characters and audience in Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’ (1611), and also between the narrator and audience in William Ernest Henley’s Victorian poem, ‘Invictus’. These texts lead to the evocation of discovery being a catalyst for renewed perspectives of ourselves and others. They additionally explore spiritual discoveries revealing how it can make an individual more intuitive and understanding. These notions demonstrate how a challenging discovery can evoke an individual to make drastic changes in their life, and a lasting impact on the people around them.

Confronting discoveries made in …show more content…

The Tempest’ holds many triggers that guide the characters such as Prospero, Antonio and Caliban to reflect upon their choices throughout the play. During Act 1 Scene 2(366–368), Prospero is met with Caliban’s speech, “You taught me language, and my profit on’t Is I know how to curse. The red plague rid you For learning me your language!”. He is faced with the discovery that his educating of Caliban was not that of a selfless act, but an oppression tactic that has directed to his loss of identity. The allusion to colonisation throughout this scene puts emphasis on just how difficult it would have been in this time for the indigenous, or ‘savages’. Shakespeare uses highly modal emotive language in this scene with strong punctuation such as the exclamation point to portray such a confronting discovery to Prospero. As this is the first time Prospero has been met with such an accusing statement from his ‘slave’ he is taken back and transforms in a negative way, treating Caliban much worse. This outcome relays onto others such as Caliban, turning him into an attempted

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