Of the seven billion people on the planet, eighty-four percent of them practice a religion. Religions began as faith systems to explain the unexplainable and have evolved into ways to provide unity, solace, strength, and hope. The two polytheistic religions with the most followers are Hinduism and Buddhism with 900 million and 535 million followers respectively. Judaism currently has 13 million people in practice. These religions affect everything from morals and beliefs to day-to-day life for the people practicing them. Judaism has its basic belief system clearly illustrated in The Ten Commandments from Exodus. They read, “1. I am The Lord your God 2. You shall have no other gods to rival me 3. You shall not misuse the name of The Lord your God 4. Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy 5. Honor your father and your mother 6. You shall not kill 7. You shall not commit adultery 8. You shall not steal 9. You shall not give false evidence against your neighbor …show more content…
Nirvana is an eternal state of peace, free from suffering. One is reborn again and again until they reach Nirvana. Siddhartha Gautama searched for the end of suffering for years. He became The Enlightened One (or Buddha) when he discerned that desire was the cause of all suffering. To end suffering one must end all desire. The Nature of Suffering (Dukkha) from a Chinese Buddhist Canon Text describes all life as suffering. (Document 6). To achieve Nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path. This consists of adopting the Right Understanding, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration. In Zong Mi’s “On the Nature of Man” he says Buddha “encourage[s] the perfection of good deeds, punish[es] wicked ones, and reward[s] good ones”. (Document 5). Buddhists spend their lives following the Eightfold Path as closely as possible and trying to banish all their
Judaism, which originated in the middle east, is one of the oldest religions in the world. Judaism is the religion from where Catholicism and Islam have their roots. The main difference between Judaism and the previously mentioned religions is that Judaism is based on the old testament entirely excluding the new testaments in its teachings. Jews believe that they are the people chosen by God and that because of the covenant they have the duty, more than any other group of people, to keep the law of God. The law of God in Judaism comes in the form of the Torah. The books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, which are said to have been written by Moses, form the Torah.
Judaism is more than a religion, its a way of life. Judaism 's entire body of beliefs and teachings which form the foundations of the religion, are outlined in the Torah. Within the Torah, Jewish people find the many different texts and rules that prescribe to them on how to live properly as the chosen people of God. The tradition of Judaism has been alive for thousands of years, its origins tracing back to the Patriarchs Abraham, Jacob and Isaac. Subsequently, from this comes Judaism 's central beliefs: The belief in one God, the belief in moral law and the belief and trust in the covenant prescribed to Moses in Exodus 2.0. The Orthodox Judaism strand incorporates the Mitzvot quite literally and tries to take it on word for word. On the other hand Reform Judaism and Conservatio interpret it in different ways. These Sacred Texts form the Jewish religion and fundamentally make up the beliefs that the Jewish
The Eightfold path is the treatment to cure all desires of the heart. Briefly, they are having the right attitudes towards life, in a Buddhist way. It consists of having the Right Knowledge, Right Aspiration, Right Speech, Right Behaviour, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Absorption. It is taught that Buddhism "is a way of living, not merely the theory of life, the treading of this Path is essential to self-deliverance" .
Judaism preaches that all things are under gods rule. God is the creator of the universe and still is in charge of it. The Torah is a list of commandments that reveals rules of how to live for his followers. although there are ten commandments, this religion also gives their followers the free will of choice. In Judaism, religion is not a part of life but it is life. For example this is why Jews pray three times a day. Like the Christians believe that god sent a human to the earth to teach us, the Jewish also have a similar belief, in a figure named Messiah. When asked about the essence of Judaism there is this story about a man that comes to mind. He was a rabbi named Hillel who summed up Judaism while balancing on one foot, he said, "...What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the Torah. The rest is commentary..." Basically Judaism is based on self choice, there are rules to live by, but it is entirely up to the person on how to live and apply these
Within Judaism, there are three key principal beliefs that apply regardless of the individual’s adherents to the religion. The belief in a single God, the idea of the covenant and the concept of moral law are the basis of how a Jew is to live their life which is constantly reflected within the sacred texts as well as rituals and ethics.
The Ten Commandments mirror the Jew values in a way that it ultimately focuses on the central belief of respecting God in following the Ten Commandments and following the path of justice by taking responsibility for your actions. The First Commandment reminds us that God is the true creator and He is the one and only holiness: “I the Lord, am your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage: You shall not have any gods besides me.” Jews mainly believe that they have a choice to follow the Ten Commandments and God will look out for them and He will look after them in future situations such as His guidance in the Exodus. Part of obeying this Commandment is refusing to participate in the forbidden practice of idolatry for
The Jewish faith consists of founding principles that are quoted in the Tenak and Talmud. It is through the principle beliefs that Jewish adherents are conscious of God’s monotheism, The Covenant and the importance of divinely inspired moral law. Variants across Judaism including Hasidic and the Reform Jewish Movement, uphold differing interpretations of these beliefs which are reflected through their practices of faith everyday.
Christianity most widely distributed of the world religions, having substantial representation in all the populated continents of the globe. Its total membership may exceed 1.7 billion people.
Nirvana, the ultimate and elusive goal of all Buddhists. Nirvana is the highest level of enlightenment one can reach. In this state of enlightenment one does not feel suffering and is content with themselves and their life. There are three different traditions a Buddhist can follow in order to pursue Nirvana. These traditions are Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
Siddhartha describes nirvana as a childlike, blissful state of mind. As children, people have no worries and just live their life one step at a time. When
On the surface, the Noble Eightfold Path ideals are incredibly vague and they're open to almost any interpretation. Buddhist sects view them differently, but generally follow the path by approaching the world with patience and joy, compassion, and contemplating the universe through meditation. The fundamental goals are to foster meditation (dhyana), morality (shila), and wisdom (prajna).
There are many commandments in America. Some are written and some are just proper etiquette. Our society doesn't have a set of commandments but we do have things that are needed to be productive citizens. As Americans it is our constitutional right whether or not we obey those commandments, but it's important that we take them into consideration.
In Buddhism, Nirvana refers to a mystical or spiritual state of mind in which an individual no longer experiences suffering, desire, and a sense of self. The individual is freed from the effects of karma and released from the cycle of death and rebirth. According to the Heart Sutra, “the identity of Nirvana…can be explained only to those who have already understood it” (88). Nirvana is such an abstract concept that is difficult to define; however, I do believe that Nirvana is a subjective occurrence that everyone experiences differently and that everyone has the potential to experience. Though I cannot exactly comprehend what Nirvana feels like, I understand it to be a transcendental state, or a stillness of the mind. in which an individual
Christianity and Islam the two biggest religions in the world but, also the youngest. Another fact is that Hindus live in large populations will each other which is exhibited in India. The median age for Jews is the highest at 36 while Muslims are at 23 making them the youngest. Christianity has an estimated 2.2 billion followers making it the most widespread religion thanks to European colonization. Over 16% of people in the world are unaffiliated with religions. Although these are up to date religious statistics facts they may be completely different in less than a
The First Noble Truth of Buddhism is also referred to as the truth about suffering or dukkha, which posits that suffering, comes in various forms such as pain, desire and or deaths. However, the three types of sufferings coincide with the ones the Buddha witnesses on his journey outside his palace: they were sickness, old age, and death (Hardy, 2005; Young, 2013). Buddha argued that human beings are exposed to cravings and desires and even if they are able to satisfy these particular desires that satisfaction is merely temporary. In that case, pleasure is ephemeral and whenever it lasts it results into monotony (Velasquez, 2011; Besser-Jones & Slote, 2015).