Fear was an important theme in 17 & Gone and Nova Ren Suma used descriptive words to display fear. In 17 & Gone, Nova Ren Suma used imagery to keep the readers engaged of the novel’s fearful details.
The language in the novel was not amazing but it was also not too elementary One thing that the author really does well is including imagery, descriptive detail of events and accessories in the novel. “It’s what you see in hiding behind the closed shower curtain and pulls it aside in panicked flurry…only to reveal an empty tub and no serial killer lurking with a glinting knife from the kitchen” (Suma 134). This sentence it’s not too lengthy to get the readers confused and descriptive word choice.These details are concise and not to vague to structuralize
The author achieves her goal. For me the book is written very clearly because of its simple yet descriptive vocabulary. For me this book is the most interesting and entertaining book I have ever read on this topic. If I could change one thing in the book it would probably be to add some visual aid, although the book is still amazing without pictures. This book for me is an 8/10. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a suspenseful and entertaining read. The book is intended for anyone who is mature and likes fiction
The book is a straightforward yet deceiving read due to the short length of the novel. The language used in the novel was very understandable, there were not many overly complex words used. The plot of the story was in two parts, following two main story lines, one being the interracial love between Hartley Penrose and Mitsy Sennosuke and the other being the bombing of Darwin.
Many sentences are missing verbs or other important words. One example includes, “what she doin coming back here in dem overhalls?” This sentence is just one of the sentences missing the word “is” after its interrogative. The colloquial diction in the townspeople’s conversation helps set up their way of speaking and social status. The usage of words like “dat” and “lak” clarify the way the the townspeople are pronouncing words. Dialogue is spelled like it is said, and these words are coming from uneducated, poor people. While reading the dialogue for the first time may cause readers to stumble through the paragraph, the spelling also forces them to focus on everything that is being said. This is also the first time dialogue is spoken in the book, setting a contrast from the eloquent diction of the
The author would jump from subject to subject in a confusing manner. For instance in chapter four, she was discussing jobs in one paragraph and in the next paragraph she started talking about crime pamphlets. She oftentimes repeated information from chapter to chapter which made one wonder if she was just trying to fill up space or did she think she need to remind us about the event? Also, the book spanned over three centuries (17th-19th), yet she only spent two chapters on the first one hundred and seventy-three years and concentrated seven chapters on the last sixty-four. Also, there were several typographical errors that I found while reading the book such as: on page 140, the word blacks was spelled “blaks;” on page 202, the word among was spelled “amog;” on page 261, the word poverty was spelled “proverty;” and on page 287, the word association was spelled
The book is simple and easy to read. The author has a good use of English language. He uses specific words, therefore making his book highly readable.
One of the many themes developed in the novel, A Separate Peace, is fear. Going to war, not excelling in studies, and jumping from a tree are three events that show how fear is portrayed throughout the story. Fear is an important theme in this story because almost every character ends up being consumed by fear. The entire story revolves around fear and without it, the story wouldn’t be the same.
Being a novel, Gone expresses the theme of the importance of kids through the use of literary and narrative elements. At the beginning of the novel, everybody over the age of fifteen disappears, leaving only the children to fend for
One of the many emotions attached to All the Light We Cannot See is fear. From the very beginning of the novel readers were able to identify this in events such as, Marie’s early years of being blind. As the story continued, fear was a huge factor in the war, and even after the conflicts, fear still took over the remaining characters. Especially in Werner’s younger sister, Jutta, who lived to carry a son and marry a man. Fear was particularly present when Jutta is in a train with her son and a man joins them. Her reaction was “he sits beside her and lights a cigarette. Jutta clutches her bag between her knees; she is certain that he was wounded in the war, that he will try to start a conversation, that het deficient French will betray her.
This book combines characteristics of a suspense thriller with those of a tragedy and is a very interesting book to read. I liked the detail that the author went into about the psychological aspects of the characters in making the decisions that they made. I thought that the characters were well developed and I liked the detail that the author went into about the settings. A detailed setting can really increase the intensity and realism of a situation in a book. This book contained some difficult words that lower level readers might not understand. I would recommend that anyone looking for a suspense/tragedy oriented book should look to this one. The beginning is a somewhat tedious read, but that is only because the author takes so much time to develop the
The author’s style of writing is straightforward and to the point and the novel is unique because it is written through the different perspectives of the four main characters. The switching of perspectives throughout the book is what made the book so hard to put down. I could see, compare and contrast how the characters themselves feel about the situation. As this goes on, the reader can comprehend the characters’ personalities better and their view on the other characters. If this story was written from just one point of view, one wouldn’t be able to figure out each character’s thoughts and perception of people around them.
The author described things well in this book, but this book was a bit easy to read because she didn’t use difficult words. This sometimes would not allow for you to know exactly how she meant for things to appear.
I’d like to build on what I was saying about understanding the book, when I read it especially in certain chapters when something big happened, I could predict what was going to happen. This was a really intense book but after the theme I could understand it.
Already I can tell that this book is more difficult than most other novels I have read. It seems as though Roth is in favor of using long sentences and complex vocabulary. I sometimes had to reread sentences a few times because there was difficult vocabulary I needed to look up and the sentences were long. I needed to read each sentence piece by piece to make sure I could understand what the author wanted to convey to the reader. Although the text seemed overwhelming when I read the first few pages; once I began reading sentences in increments I could more easily understand the text.
The author wrote this story as a literary genius. There is an extreme level of suspense that leaves you wanting
Furthermore, the effectiveness of the language techniques utilised throughout the story and the relevance the novel has on contemporary audiences will be highlighted.