
The Theme Of Happiness In The Secret Garden By Frances Hodgson Burnett

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Introduction For this assignment, I chose to do a listing of quotes which I feel represent the theme of Happiness in The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Happiness is expressed in a number of ways, many of which the characters do not know about. I chose to focus on this theme because I felt it was the most prominent and important in the story, and that the characters go through a great deal of development while experiencing it. Chapter One: There is No One Else “Mistress Mary, quite contrary, how does your garden grow? With silver bells and cockle shells, and marigolds all in a row.” Basil to Mary, this excerpt from the book does not necessarily represent happiness. I do however feel it is one of the moments in the book meant …show more content…

People who grow up as Mary did often will not see the joys in the little things, but rather a disturbance and a waste of time. “‘Here he is,’ chuckled the old man, and then he spoke to the bird as if he here speaking to a child.” Throughout the book, the Robin makes appearances that spark Mary’s childlike wonder and imagination. She sees the bird and thinks that this creature may be the first she has ever liked, and therefore wants to know more about it. Mary feels something when she sees him, the same thing she feels when she is out on the moor playing. Happiness is beginning to become less of a dream and more of a reality, and this bird is only the beginning. “This was plain speaking, and Mary Lennox had never heard the truth about herself in her life. Native servants aways salaamed and submitted to you, whatever you did. She had never thought much about her looks, but she wondered if she was as unattractive as Ben Weatherstaff and she also wondered if she looked as sour as he had looked before the robin came. She actually began to wonder also if she was ‘nasty tempered’. She felt uncomfortable.” As stated, directly, “Mary Lennox had never heard the truth about herself in her life”. The young girl had never once been told she was rude, or bitter, disagreeable. While living in India, she was catered to always, and that kind of treatment can begin to make a person believe they are the center of everything. No one can be happy that way, living in a world

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