
The Theme Of Masks In Heather's : The Musical

Decent Essays

Heather’s: The Musical is a play that has multiple themes, but the theme of masks we wear in social realms, is the theme that was most prevalent to me. The character of JD, portrayed by Justin Hart, uses masks more than any other character. JD starts out as a very relatable character, but as the show progresses, he becomes harder to identify with, until you feel that the character is no longer redeemable. Hart’s portrayal of JD keeps you immersed in the story, and makes it seem as if the changes of JD’s masks are seamless. Topic 1 As I mentioned, JD uses and changes masks more than any other character in the play. His multiple masks are all very different from each other though. The first mask he wears is that of a mysterious new …show more content…

Hart was able to accurately portray how most guys, and girls, felt in high school. When JD begins to date Veronica, things start to change, and the character becomes harder to connect with on an emotional level. Once Heather Chandler dies, JD begins to show a different side of himself. He changes, because he decides that he wants to make the town a better place. He desires this new town, so that there is no more bullying and Veronica will be happy. He is so determined to make this mythical place a reality, that he begins to kill some of the other students at the school, with no regard to how it will affect the rest of the students. This course of action leads him to lose not only Veronica, the girl he was doing all of it for, but it causes him to ultimately lose his life as well. Hart helped to portray JD’s transformation in his speech, and his body language, to the point that it made the character become one of the least relatable characters. Topic 3 Hart’s portrayal of JD is one of the most interesting aspects of the play, in my opinion. In the beginning he made seem confident, timid, and his movements had a lanky quality to them. When JD would talk to his dad, his demeanor would change to that of brute, and his speech was loud and simplified. The biggest difference to me, came when he began to want to kill. His speech seemed to be a bit more precise, manipulative, and cutting, while his movement was

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