
The Theories Of John Locke's Identity

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When talking about identity there hasn’t always been the same idea surrounding it. Identity seems like a simple topic at first; anyone you talk to could tell you the same thing, “I am me.” When you ask them what makes them their own person it turns into a dilemma with most people thinking that their body and soul is them while in the other camp its people thinking that their own consciousness is all you need to stay you. With that in mind there are two theories and the body and soul theories. John Locke was the person who dissected the consciousness of mind idea. Locke had many hypothetical scenarios to fit his claim on a human’s identity. He says only your mind matters; the only thing that could make you yourself is your consciousness. …show more content…

Socrates once described that, “Socrates waking and sleeping do not partake of the same consciousness, Socrates waking and sleeping is not the same person.” If a person did something in their sleep they were not aware of with the body view they should be rightfully punished. He also says it would be similar to if they punished a twin for a crime that the other did because they share the same body likeness. Since you couldn’t distinguish which is which they must both be the same person and be the same human being. When people asked about the issue of the soul and how that was where the true being lie he asked them to define what a soul was. You couldn’t measure where the soul was or if it really existed. If you swapped souls would that do anything? Locke said it shouldn’t because you left all the memories and character traits behind so it would still act like the person it was before it soul …show more content…

This theory also says none of the other things matter i.e. the soul or your memories and character traits. There’s a reason why this is not as popular as the consciousness idea; when talking about memory loss you can lose your previous consciousness but still be considered by the body theory due to you not changing your appearance. People suffering from Alzheimer’s or Dementia forget over time who they were or who others are. When family’s talk about their loved ones after the disease they claim that it’s not the same person they used to know. The only thing that changed in them was their brain nothing else, but in the body theory it claims that is still the same human being and nothing has changed. The patients of the disease radically change and sometimes have different personalities and behaviors. These people don’t even know what is happening to them most of the time so that would clash with the consciousness view again making it similar to the Socrates debate on if they weren’t aware of themselves during their life is it still the same

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