
The Theory For Change And Its Lack Of Understanding

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Perhaps you have heard the saying that nothing remains the same expect change. Whether you have or not, the statement, in my opinion is true. Just when we become accustomed to a situation being one way, if we wait long enough, something will change. Have you ever driven home from your local grocery store or your parent’s home and as you were pulling into the driveway could not remember how you arrived home? It is partially due to the fact that humans are prone to continue doing the same habits that we have done many times before. Therefore change can be difficult for some. For that reason, this paper will describe a situation where someone I knew was resistant to change as due to their lack of understanding, will explain whether the …show more content…

In fact, according to Malone, (2007), citing Glover, Jones, & Friedman, (2002), “To become and remain viable, organizations must successfully respond to constantly morphing environmental changes— they must develop new markets, effectively compete in the global market place, constantly pursue improved performance, and become “globally appropriate” (P. 2). This is important to organizations as the lack of may mean the organization is not successful. As organizations make these changes, there will also be employees who may be resistant to the changes. There had been rumors around the office that executive team members had decided to take the organization in a new direction. This new direction would mean that departments that had worked independently for the past thirty years were now going to have to work together to make the organization more scalable to bring on a nationwide training program where the organization would offer early head start agencies across the nation the ability to learn many of the programs the organization had used and been successful doing so. My co-worker immediately became resistant to any and all conversations about the new direction. Always leading with, “this means that they will bring in more people and give them the job I have done for seventeen years”. According to Reichers, Wanous, & Austin, (1997), “Cynicism about organizational change can become a self-fulfilling prophecy if cynics refuse to support change. Their lack

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