
The Theory Of Attachment Theory

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Introduction Attachment theory centers around relationships and bonds formed between people. It generally focuses on long term relationships such as parents or caregivers and children. The theme of the theory is that if the primary caregiver is responsive to a child’s needs, then he or she will develop a sense of security. If a parent or caregiver does not provide this, a child will have trouble attaching and forming relationships in the future. There are theorists who have explored and researched the theory, and determine the characteristics of attachment styles. There are positives and negatives surrounding the theory, many people believe in the theory but there are some who criticize it as well. Some psychologists argue Nature vs. Nurture, and also that the theory has limitations. There are cultural and spiritual aspects that will need to be considered when implementing attachment theory with a client. Some cultures may not agree with all of the pieces of the theory, and it is important to be aware of that and shape the theory, if possible, to the client’s needs.
Theorists and History Jim Bowlby was the first attachment theorist who believed the bonds formed between mothers and children had a great impact on the child socially and emotionally. In 1951, he wrote Maternal Care and Mental Health in which he stated “the infant and young child should experience a warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with his mother (or permanent mother substitute) in which both find

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