
The Theory Of Cognitive Psychology

Decent Essays

In the twentieth century some of the psychologists became interested of mental activities studies in humans, including information processes, memory and communication. This new direction received the name of cognitive psychology. One of the pioneers, who established this path in psychology science, was Swiss biologist, Jean Piaget. Piaget’s discoveries and principles have made a significant contribution in expansion of cognitive psychology ideas. His research and concepts that were based on kids learning and progressing helped him to form his famous theory of four developmental stages, which later found supporters and critics among many psychologists. Although much of his work included analyses of child’s development, he described himself as “genetic epistemologist”, not child psychologist. He emphasized that his studies were devoted to the epistemological question: How do we get the knowledge? (Milton Schwebel, Piaget in the classroom, 1973, p. 74) This essay covers information about his education and career, major accomplishments and his theoretical approaches, including the four mental growth stages of the child’s development. We are going to briefly describe each of the stages separately and look at the significance of his investigation in general.
Education and career. Jean Piaget was born on August 1986, in Neuchâtel, Switzerland in a family of historian. Since early childhood he was interested in studies of the natural sciences. When he was eleven, his

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