
The Theory Of Human Morality Essay

Decent Essays

Argument While the author have attempted to present experimental support for many of his conclusions, his interpretation of empirical observations suffers from two primary defects. First of all, he underestimated the role of selection in shaping many aspects of morality; such selection influences moral decisions through biological and cultural mechanism, and could explain many phenomena that author claims to be accidental; second, his approach in distinguishing innate, intuitive moral sense from deliberated, rational moral judgment overlooked their evolutionary connections. As I will argue in subsequent paragraphs, rational and intuitive moralities may be the products of coordinated evolution; a reciprocal interaction between the two underlies moral development of a typical human being. These two defects are not trivial ones: they might shake author’s major argument—that human morality arises from a limited set of inborn moral principles and matures only through reasoning—to its roots. They show that the author overlooked the evolutionary logic behind the innate component of morality, and negated the connection between evolution and rational morality. In general, the defects makes the author’s argument difficult to fit into the broad context of evolution. In the final chapter of the book, the author divided our potential targets of interactions into three main categories: kin, in-group and strangers. Generally, these categories correspond to three major forms of

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