
The Theory Of Object Hood

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The concept of 'object hood ' is innate, and can be found very early on in infancy.

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The concept of 'object hood ' is innate, and can be found very early on in infancy
The ability of children to detect object starts from their early stages of life. Different researchers have come up with different models explaining how children perceive objects and how that perception changes over time as they grow older. Tracing of objects according to Piaget’s research is found to start developing slowly over the first 2 years of human life. Different to Piaget’s research, these abilities start as early as 4 months or 2 months of birth according to Hespos and Baillargeon. Spelke in his research concluded that these abilities of tracing objects are innately found in children. As a child develops they become more sophisticated and they interconnect easily. Researchers suggest that a child’s understanding developed from experiences which they undergo but also they are born with some understanding of the world.
Piaget’s account of object permanence
Piaget claims that infants do not conceive objects which have independent existence. Infant’s perspective of objects is that objects pop in and out of existence in a child’s sense. Before the age of eight or nine months, infants won’t be able to search for a toy hidden under a cloth in front of it. Therefore Piaget concluded that objects seize to exist in a child’s mind because according to

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