
The Theory Of Organizational Change

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Literature Synthesis The idea of change can alarm any system and lead to unexpected reactions from the members associated with the system. As the change begins to be implemented, these uncertainties intensify and can lead to crisis. This phenomenon becomes even more crucial when the system involves an organization with leaders and those members with non-managerial responsibilities. When change is being implemented within an organization by its leaders, the consequences of it can be underestimated or ignored by them, resulting in crises and, eventually, failure of the change efforts. In order for change to succeed, specifically in today’s business world, where organizations are constantly undergoing change at a fast rate, companies should educate their employees in understanding and supporting change. Taking both organizational and employee perspectives into account, Armenakis and Bedeian (1999) have reviewed major research publications on the theory of organizational change from 1987 to 1999. To set a basis for selecting from the vast number of the available material, their study was concentrated on those researches focusing on the fundamentals of organizational change dynamics. The researchers acknowledge the effect of the extent of their resource selection on the literature review outcome, stating that their choice of subject area will provide a deeper understanding of the existing approaches governing organizational change. In order to make their research manageable,

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