
The Third Generation Rhetorical Analysis

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Throughout history, humans have always had a system the dictated the way men and women are supposed to act. These gender roles define society and if you do not act upon these terms, now anyway, no one really cares. We have learned to become tolerant of those who are different, however, back when religion played a major role in the world, and everyone judged everyone by the way they acted, going against these norms would mean excommunication. Not only from the church but from society itself. These gender roles though have been challenged by people that want to do more. In “The Third Generation” a girl tells the story of her family and how women should change the way things are done. She watches her family struggle because they followed the norm …show more content…

The marriage was good but only 15 years later she became a widow. Given that the society was a male dominated one, getting a job as a woman was almost out of the question which means you pretty much needed a man in order to survive. The message that gets me the most with this essay is when Milan says that Women need to stop blaming men for everything because it is up to them to make their voices hear and to make the change they want. “The fact is there is always going to be a dominant story. The question is whose should it be?” Milan is stating that no matter hat time period it s or what culture you explore, there will always be either a male or female side that is dominant. That is why this essay will be read throughout time. In those two lines Milan made this essay universal. Anyone will be able to read it and say “This is true. Even though it was so long ago this can be applied to today’s world.” No matter where or when gender roles will dictate, but it is up to the people to decide whether or not they do or don’t matter, and if they do matter then it is up to those people to do what they need to do for …show more content…

He becomes envious of women because of their “easy” lives. As he says though if he knew then what he knew now he wouldn’t have envied them so much. This text focuses on the gender role of a man. A man must: be a hard worker, the bread winner, make sure there is food on the table, and above all else he must make sure that his family is safe. When Sanders went to college he meet women who vituperated him just because he was a man. These women were angry that men held opportunities from them. Sanders could not understand why women would want to be subjugated to the slavery that he imagined when he was told that a woman has the right to work like a man. “I didn’t see, then, what a prison a house could be…” Sanders discovers that being trapped in a house all the time could be as bad as working like a slave all the time, and that is why he considers himself an ally to the women as they get their

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