
Text By Robert J. Art: The Ramifications Of Terrorism

Decent Essays

Cohl Turnquist Force plays a large role in how countries go about their international relations. A state with the ability to threaten force against other nations has a significant advantage over other states who do not have those same capabilities. Terrorism can be difficult to define, but the text attempts to specify terrorism from other acts of violence. The threat of terrorism is something that needs to be addressed by all nations. The ramifications of terrorism can be serious and can damage a nation in a multitude of ways. Terrorism and its ramifications need to considered by states when they are forming their plan to engage in international relations. Force plays a large role in security for states and a large role in how state’s form their foreign policy. Force can be used to a state’s advantage in several different ways. The text by Robert J. Art names for different ways that force can be used. States who have the ability to exercise the threat of force can do so in ways such described in the text by Art, “functions that force can serve: defense, deterrence, compellence, and “swaggering”. Art offers a description of how force can be used in a defensive manner. He describes how states can use force for the defense of their nation. The text by Art states, “The defensive use of force is the deployment of military power so as to be able to do two things-to ward off an attack and to minimize damage to oneself if attacked,” Art shows that force allows states to increase

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