
The Three Classes In Alfred Hitchcock's Rear Window

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The film Rear Window, directed Alfred Hitchcock, prevails class through the interactions, body language, costumes and settings of the characters of the 3 classes. Lisa’s glamours All 3 classes have different views on marriage, and what it means to them directly, how it effects them in their class. The setting that the film and the places the characters all live also add to how they treat and react to each other. This all accumulates to how the characters interact and communicate with each other.

In the film, the character Jeffries, is middle class and has different respects for Lisa and Stella, both ladies’ gender influencing on the way he communicates with them. Jeffries character portrays a casual person who doesn't care much for money …show more content…

Though she has a kind heart, most don't see past the fact she is a women, even though she is a high social status. Her partner Jeffries is no exception of this. Jeffries assumes that she just cares about her dresses and “She belongs in that rarefied atmosphere of Park Avenue, expensive literary cocktail parties”.Thomas Doyle dismisses her and regards her as a "Seductive Showgirl" and disregards her ideas and opinions as “Feminine intuition... Is just a fairy tale” The only character to see Lisa as an equal from the start was Stella. She was part of the lower working class and is satisfied where she is. The stereotypes for being in the lower class would be troubled and misfortunate however Stella shows that even if your in the lower class you can be lively and glad by stating pleased with the little things in life. She treats Lisa as a normal person, and not a superior, unlike Jeffries, or Doyle. Though Lisa is of high social status, she is disregard as a equal counter partner on many occasions by the male characters in the film, Stella the other main female character treated her with equal

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