Discuss the three main theoretical paradigms of sociology. For each paradigm (symbolic interactionism, functionalism, and conflict theory), describe a theorist and his/her ideas, and apply these ideas to understanding why people commit crimes. [4-5 pages] There are three main theories used in sociology, the first one is called structural functionalist theory also known as functionalism. Functionalism states that all parts of society are working together for the good of society “The state or government was seen to be the brain; industry was the muscular system; media and mass communication were the nervous system” (Conley,. pg. 29). Structural functional theory argues that we as a society create social structures that perform functions for …show more content…
Describe three different types of research methods, and explain why research methods exist and for what they are intended. [2-3 pages] Research methods are “approaches that social scientists use for investigating the answers to questions” (Conley,. pg. 44). In other words, a research method is the way in which data is collected. The three types of research methods that will be discussed are surveys, participant observation, and experimental methods. The best method depends on what you want to learn and how you want to learn it. It is important to have reliability in a study because any person that will read you study has to be able to replicate it and do the same steps you did to see what kind of results they get “the likelihood of obtaining consistent results using the same measure” (Conley,. pg. 52). When writing your report it’s important to write it with clarity so that anyone can read it and go out and do the research without having to ask you what you did. Another element for good research design is validity which is how well the study measures what it was designed to measure “the extent to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure” (Conley,. pg. …show more content…
pg. 60). It’s about experiencing a part of social life. For example, if I want to investigate how things function in SUCO’s dining halls I wouldn’t just stand back and take notes but rather get lunch and join a group and begin to have conversations with people and observe and take notes. The good thing about revealing you are a researcher is that everyone knows wha they are getting when they are interacting with you and they know ahead of time that whatever they say will be used for research. On the other hand, it might make it so that people’s activities may not be true because they know they are being watched. If you don’t say you are a researcher, then when they find out later the people that are being studied may feel used or betrayed. There are good and bad things about disclosing you are a researcher and the purpose of the
Research methods are “the various specific tools or ways data can be collected and analysed, e.g. a questionnaire, interview, etc.” (Neville, C, 2007).
Sociologists for centuries have debated the structure by which society evolves. Theories are tested to explain the changes by which society operates. Structural functionalism and conflict theory are the main viewpoints sociologists use to evaluate the changes in the habits of society. Mass incarceration is an example of social phenomenon. Mass incarceration can be viewed as a structural functionalism or a conflict theory. I believe the influences that have created today’s society are dependent on the view of the individual and decisions and actions they take.
Research Methods- refers to specific ways or techniques of conducting research on A topic. Example: two people do a study on dog anxiety. One uses existing data. The other uses data from research they have conducted through interviews of dog owners. Social Darwinism- The theory that people and groups can be thought to be under the same laws of natural selection as all plants and animals. Example: Believing that one race is superior to another. As if it were thought that one race or ethnic group was superior so they claim dominance over others. Reliability- The point to which an instrument of measure give recurrent answers and/or results each time it is used as long as the thing being measured stays the same. Example: The temperature in your vehicles engine stayed the same everyday. A reliable temperature gauge would give you the same temperature reading everyday. Note however, the temperature in the car could be different each day but if the gauge read seventy-five every day it would still be considered reliable. Ethnography- The study of different cultures and the people of the cultures. Example: A college student is visiting a school in a different county to study and take note of the different things going on in the school. Questionnaire- A research instrument including questions in an attempt to gather information. Example: A local gym has had a lot of complaints lately about cleanliness, but the members of the gym have not specified to the staff what needs to change.
Explain the three major sociological perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. Identify which perspectives use a macro level or a micro level of analysis. Apply each perspective to socialization.
Sociologists employ three major theoretical perspectives in sociology today. They are the structural-functionalist perspective, the conflict perspective, and the symbolic interactionism. The structural-functionalist perspective is done at a macro level and its focus is on the relationships between the parts of society. The Conflict perspective is done at a macro level and its main focus is on how the wealthy controls the poor and weak.
What are the three major sociology perspectives in regards to social issues? They are Symbolic Interactionism perspectives, Functionalism perspectives, and Conflict Theory perspectives. These perspectives offer sociologists abstract examples for explaining how society affects people, and vice versa. Each perspective individually theorizes society, social forces, and human behavior.
As one of the major purposes of sociology is to comprehend ways human actions and ideologies are formed by the social structures and cultural environment,
Methodology and methods- This section includes a clear justification for the chosen methodology and research method. The length and depth of the research depends on the objective of the researcher and the information he or she is trying to convey to the readers.
According to the University of North Carolina, “Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions” (http://sociology.unc.edu/undergraduate-program/sociology-major/what-is-sociology/). Sociology is science practiced by everyone in the world, whether they realize it or not. It is not only an incredibly important social science but also a beautiful art to study how society works. Now, an educated sociologist will realize that there are different perspective to view the world through from a sociological perspective. There are three specific views: Structural Functionalist, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionism. Each has valid points of view, and not completely exclusive to the other, but in this case one is more correct and valid than the others. Conflict theory is the most credible theory in psychology because it factors in the problems of power and broken systems.
Two topics within this sociology course stood out to me: the sociological function of the family and the control theory that describes crime and social conformity. The control theory (Giddens 2016: 177) is the idea that crime and social control are like a tetter totter. Hirischi, a control theorist, says that all crime is thought out
Three Sociological Theories In the first chapter of Introduction to Sociology we learned of three major sociological theories; they are varied but, help us see the complexity of our social world. Most sociologist today are guided by one of more of the following theories: functionalist, conflict or interactionism (Sullivan 2016). The Functionalist Perspective is essentially where society is viewed in the same light that a living organism is viewed.
There are two types of research methods, which are qualitative, and quantitative each of which is focused towards diverse aspect. It is noticed that qualitative research method is used for the studies that are dependent on the use of theoretical data or content instead of collecting statistical or empirical evidence to support the discussion. The aim of this method is to consider the use of general data or theories to make sure that research aim and objectives are evaluated specifically (Taylor et al., 2015). While on the other hand, quantitative research method is used by the studies that are reliant on the utilisation of facts and figures in the numerical or statistical format in order to support the arguments or discussion. In this considered, the quantitative research method is emphasised as it will consider using numerical or empirical evidence to support the discussion. This depicts the fact that nature of the study is quantitative (Scruggs & Mastropieri, 2006).
It is common for researchers to compare qualitative and quantitative research methods. Quantitative methods originate from positivist and post- positivist research paradigms. Also, the methods objectively examine statistical data to determine cause and affect and often use generalizable data. There are various methods used in quantitative research such as surveys,
Sociology includes three major theoretical perspectives: the structural-functionalist perspective, the conflict perspective, and the symbolic interactionist perspective. Each perspective offers a variety of explanations about the causes of and possible solutions for social problems (Rubington & Weinberg, 1995).
In sociology, there are three major theories; critical theory, functionalism and symbolic interactionism. These theories express the structure of society in which each theory looks at a different aspects of sociology. Sociologists apply these theories in the study of society, but it becomes difficult if only one theory is applied. For that one applied theory, would only look at the aspect to which it is confined to. To successfully study sociology all three theories must be applied together.