
The Tide Falls By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Decent Essays

“The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls:” Henry Wadsworth Longfellow In the poem “ The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls” it shows deep emotion that connects with people in an apparent way. It does not matter whether you experience something alike or not you can still relate to the theme of the poem. Also, you can relate to this poem because of the you feel the tone of the writer as you read the poem. The writer of the poem was able to address a personal issue by using an example of an event that occurs everyday naturally. Those being the reasons on why I chose this poem. The poem may have been read and understood differently but the theme of the poem was that the things that occur in life happen because that’s the way of life. The poem explains that a man passes away after being alive and compares it to the fact that after a tide rises it also dies when it falls. …show more content…

In line two from stanza two its states that the sea calls out darkness which can be pictured in my head as when it’s nighttime and you look at the sea. Second, in line “The little waves, with their soft, white hands…”(stanza 2) places both an image and sound in my head because I can picture the waves hitting the beach making a crashing sound effect. For touch in line five of each stanza its says “And the tide rises, the tide falls”, I can picture myself touching the tides when filled. Throughout the poem it seems to compare a person being alive and then dieing to when a tide rises the falls in a metaphor

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