
The Tide Rises Mood

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Meter and Mood are seen in the poems by the “Fireside poets.” Meter is an element of poetry that refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem. It’s found in a unit called a foot, which contains one stressed and unstressed syllables. Mood refers to the feeling made by a poem or literary work. It’s an emotional quality that varies in literature, and ranges from despair to joyfulness. Mood can be made by setting, subject matter, or word choice. There can also be several moods in just one literary work. The Poem, “The tide rises, the tide falls,” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, contains mood and meter. The mood in this poem is a hopeful and optimistic one. “The little waves…efface the footprints…nevermore Returns the traveler to the shore,” (276). This means that the ocean doesn’t stop moving, its waves keep crashing, and that people in life come and go and no one lives for eternity. The meter in each line has 7-10 beats. “The morning breaks; the steeds in their stalls…The day returns, but nevermore…And the tide rises, the tide falls” has 7-10 …show more content…

The mood goes from depressing to exciting. The first stanza has a depressing mood, but later on the mood becomes happy as the snow falls. The first 18 lines of the poem say that something ominous is going to happen, “darkly circled…roar of ocean on his…” (283) The poem then turns into a happy mood. “Moon above the eastern wood…Shut in from all the world without…mug of cider simmered low…” all show a happy mood towards the end of the poem. Meter is basically the number of beats in a sentence. (Or how many syllables are in each line of a poem.) The meter in the lines of the poem is either 8 or 9 beats. “The Sun that brief December day…And, darkly circled, gave at noon…Its mute and ominous prophecy,” (283) When counting the number of syllables in each line, they come as either 8 or 9 in each line, which is also the number of

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