
The Tiger's Bride Characters

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Angela Carter’s “The Tigers Bride” is a similar, more modernized take on Beaumont’s “Beauty and the Beast”. Both of the stories include this seemingly beautiful female as the main protagonist. In fact, she is even referred to as Beauty in Beaumont’s story. Although in Carter’s she remains unnamed, it is clear to the readers that this heroic, strong female is meant to be perceived as a beautiful young woman. The three centuries that have passed between the publications of these stories is evident when comparing the actions of these two women and the different messages they convey to their readers.
Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont’s original story, “Beauty and the Beast” was written in the 18th century, in a time where arranged marriages were common and females were expected to do as they were told. Beauty, the main female in the novel, succumbs to the hierarchy and goes to live with the …show more content…

The female in Carters story is almost a polar opposite of Beauty in Beaumont’s story. Carter’s main character is an independent girl who takes matters into her own hands and rather than giving into the demands of others, she responds to them with somewhat of an attitude. For example, when the Tiger asks the woman to take off her clothes, she refuses to remove them all, she only removes her skirt and insists on leaving a sheet over her head, not allowing the tiger to see her face. The time that passed between when the stories were written shows how society’s view on the archetype of women has changed. They are no longer expected to stay quiet and are even allowed to have a voice in society. This is true in “The Tiger’s Bride” because the main female is now making her own decisions on how she wants to live her life. Comparable to “Beauty and the Beast”, where Beauty has absolutely no voice of her own in

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