
The Time Of The Music

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It could be argued the arias, no. 13, “Aria Ach Mein Sinn” and no. 24 “Aria Eilt, ihr angefochtne Seelen” are used to promote the Lutheran ideas and cause the listener to be influenced by the Lutheran tradition. It is clear that Bach uses a number of musical techniques such as fortspinnung which help the listener reflect on the story of Jesus with the singer. Bach’s use of dialogue also helps convey Lutheran ideas of community. Throughout this essay, I will discuss how the time of the music corresponds with the time of the story, the viewpoints which Bach is trying to present and the listener’s response. By looking at some music critics’ analysis such as Laurence Dreyfus and Michael Marissen, it will become clearer as to how Bach used certain techniques to represent his own beliefs at the time and what his possible intentions were when composing his St John Passion. Aria no. 13 “Ach Mein Sinn” is at the point of the story where Peter is weeping because he denied that he knew Jesus. Bach’s emphasis on the word “mein” which could be argued to help the listener to relate to Peter’s denial as their own denial of Christ. This falls in line with the Lutheran belief that people are born with sin in their lives and due to this, are unable to do good without Jesus. This notion is also presented in Aria no. 24 “Aria Eilt, ihr angefochtne Seelen” which comes after Pilate’s question “Shall I crucify your king?” and the Chief Priests reply “We have no king but Caesar” . In “Aria Eilt

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