
The Tragedy Of Columbine And Sandy Hook

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Columbine and Sandy Hook, and the tragedy associated to them, shared a common denominator often targeted by the media, violent video games. However, the bias of the media failed to bring attention to other more prominent factors. These video games do not spur aggression as media turns a blind eye to more telling elements such as mental health issues and bullying.
As the level of violence in video games increases, so does the level of concern for those who play them. Some people are quick to blame school shootings on games just because the kid played a “violent” game. “The topic of videogames and violence can be compared to the chicken or the egg question, which came first, violent games or violent behavior”(Violence and Videogames). However most kids in mass shootings tend to have easy access to guns and are mentally unstable. …show more content…

They downplayed all less asinine factors. According to Simpson and Blevins, “In the Sandy Hook massacre, the investigators found games in the shooters family home such as: Paper Mario, Lego Star Wars ,Kingdom Hearts, Pikmin and Doom. Additionally in the Columbine massacre, the shooters played Doom over the Internet where there created a level on the game based on the Columbine high school floor plan.” That looks bad already, however if you think into it a bit the school was a neutral building that they were familiar to. Simply using a floor plan parallel to their school’s made their jobs as mapmakers

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