
The Tragic Hero Of Macbeth By William Shakespeare

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A tragic hero is a person of many things, noble stature, and the audience tends to feel pity and fear for them. A tragic hero has a tremendous downfall and degeneration that occurs throughout the play. Macbeth portrays those characteristics throughout the play. Macbeth had potential for greatness but possessed many things that lead to his tremendous downfall. He was a loyal, courageous servant to the king and was on the fast track to success until his ambition of desire for power lead to him doing horrendous things. Macbeth’s tragic flaw in achieving his ambitions was evident in his strong personality that influenced him to fulfill his destiny by following a dark path. As well Macbeth being isolated from his close friends and family caused nothing but trouble, will all forces eventually going against him. In addition, he is also heroic because of his response to suffering, he discovers fate by his own actions and not by things happening to him. Throughout the play Macbeths growing character degenerates from a noble man to a violent individual.

Macbeth has a tragic flaw of ambition. This tragic flaw became evident after some acts of evil and his tragic flaw worsen just like his character.
In the beginning, Macbeth slowly relied on the witches’ prophecies. Shakespeare used the witches as a remedy for Macbeth’s curiosity, which corrupted his character. Macbeth speaking to the witches,
Stay, you imperfect speakers. Tell me more. By Finel’s death, I know I am Thane of Glamis,

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