In antiquated Greek drama, tragedy plays had a way of appealing to the audience effortlessly. Greek tragedies are still performed and read across the world in modern-day. Oedipus Rex, a standout amongst the popular tragedies, is written by Sophocles. Within every tragedy play, one character takes the role of a grievous or tragic hero. As stated by Aristotle, certain attributes characterize a deplorable legend or a tragic hero. In Oedipus Rex, the fundamental character, Oedipus, carries imperfections as well as inevitable fate much like a tragic hero. A few of the qualities of a tragic hero consists of nobility and carrying flaws that lead to unavoidable, foreordained fate. Born in Thebes and of loyalty, Oedipus was left at the side of a mountain with pierced ankles to die because of a prophecy told to King Laios of Thebes. On the contrary, Oedipus was given to King Polybus and Queen Merope as a young child, for they could not bear children. Oedipus believes that the parents that he grew up with are his biological parents. When “a drunken man maundering in his cups” tells Oedipus that he does not carry the DNA of King Polybus, he begins to inquire if he is adopted (Oed.1.2.252). After the confrontation, his parents tell Oedipus that the comment is a “slanderous rant of a fool” and to forget the rumor (Oed.1.2.257). Although the intention of the statement was to put the questioning at ease, Oedipus was still unsure about what the drunken man had said. Therefore, Oedipus
Oedipus Rex, or Oedipus the King is Sophocles’s first play of “The Theban Cycle.” It tells the story of a king that tries to escape his fate, but by doing so he only brings about his downfall. Oedipus is a classic example of the Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero. Aristotle defines a tragic hero as a basically good and noble person who causes his own downfall due to a flaw in his character.
Another clear example of the character traits of nobility and fearlessness seen in Oedipus is in his departure from Corinth, done in an attempt to protect his parents. Oedipus was informed by a prophet of his destiny to murder his father and lie with his mother, and to circumvent this he fled the city which they called home, Corinth. In great sorrow Oedipus explained, “[...] there’s nothing sweeter than the sight of one’s parents” (55). Oedipus, when informed of his treacherous fate fled Corinth in order to protect the ones he thought were his parents. While Oedipus unknowingly fulfilled the heinous prophecy as a result of not knowing who his biological parents were, he made every effort not to do so and had every intention of protecting his parents – going as far as depriving himself of parental love that would have brought him great joy. Furthermore, the decision to exile himself from Corinth also proved his fearlessness in a hidden manner. According to the Corinthian messenger, the King who Oedipus believed was his father “[…] had been childless […]” (57), and thus took in Oedipus and raised him as if he was the heir by blood. Due to this, Oedipus must have had a comfortable and grand life as he was a prince. To leave the lifestyle of royalty and
Oedipus is described as a hero with god-like qualities. They worship him. The people of Thebes for instance believe that Oedipus ascended to the throne through God’s guidance. Sophocles play Oedipus definitely exemplifies Aristotle definition of a tragic hero. Oedipus is not only a king but a person born a noble. Oedipus takes his fate into his own hands and takes his decisions head on. He is his own cause of the things happening around him, to him and in his life. Sadly, his life falls apart, but by his own doing. He has to suffer the consequences of his actions in many ways. First, he forces Teiresias to reveal his destiny as well as his father’s name. Teiresias tries to avoid all these questions but in the end he has to head warning to Oedipus against forcing him to reveal those details. Oedipus is relentless and is determined to find the truth. He continues questioning Teiresias further. Teiresias finally
Let’s start out with Oedipus, according to our text book, Living Theatre, it states, “Sophocles’s King Oedipus, which was first presented around 430 B.C.E. There are structural similarities among all extant Greek tragedies.” (Wilson 38). If there ever was a story that epitomized the definition of a Greek Tragedy. Granted yes, it was a very powerful and depressing, it has many themes that are relatable for today’s world and society. For example, at the end of the play, Oedipus is down on his luck, Oedipus found out who is father and mother was from the Oracle. Lo and behold, the oracle was right, he said that he would murder his father, who was Laius, former king of Thebes and the gods said in order to bring back the once prosperous kingdom of Thebes, they must banish the murderer of the former king. The other prophecy was that he would marry his mother. Well, he speaks to the
Sophocles's Oedipus Rex is probably the most famous tragedy ever written. Sophocles's tragedy represents a monumental theatrical and interpretative challenge. Oedipus Rex is the story of a King of Thebes upon whom a hereditary curse is placed and who therefore has to suffer the tragic consequences of fate (tragic flaws or hamartia). In the play, Oedipus is the tragic hero. Even though fate victimizes Oedipus, he is a tragic figure since his own heroic qualities, his loyalty to Thebes, and his fidelity to the truth ruin him.
Oedipus is one of the most famous tragic heroes in drama history. His bizarre fate leads him to a tragic defeat that leaves the audience and reader feeling emotionally overwhelmed. According to Aristotle’s definition, Oedipus’ story makes him as a tragic hero. Oedipus is the personification of Aristotle’s characterization of a tragic hero through his ability to maintain and keep his virtue and wisdom, despite his shortcomings and situation in life. Aristotle’s observation of a tragic hero does not reveal the lack of morality or the evil of the character, based on an error in judgment. The tragedy and drama fit the Aristotelian characteristics of Oedipus.
Throughout Poetics, Aristotle describes what traits a tragedy must have to be successful. To support these choices, he makes use of a small analysis of many tragedies, including many of Sophocles’ plays; Oedipus Rex is one of the plays mentioned in Aristotle’s Poetics. Some of these traits include a successful plot structure, recognition scenes, and a correct choice for its hero. In Oedipus Rex, Sophocles fulfills all of these requirements.
Oedipus Rex is one of the most well written plays. Oedipus Rex has a tragic flaw which leads to his destruction. Oedipus’ flaw leads him to suffer and arouses Pity and Fear from the crowd; Scared that it could happen to them. The Unity of Plot has a beginning, middle and end, along with that Oedipus grows in knowledge about his birthing, but is ignorant for not realizing he brought the problems on Thebes. Oedipus is a confident, wise and strong-willed character, but these characteristics will bring him to destruction. Oedipus’s destruction was tough for him to cope with, but his arrogance was too much for him. The choice he made for handling his situation was not very wise which changed his life. Oedipus Rex is a Greek
Tragic hero could be said to be someone that has had a tragic flaw that leads to the hero's death and also helps the reader to sympathize with the character. Oedipus is a classic example of a tragic hero who had many flaws on the surface, such as the lack of self-knowledge, curiosity and pride, and the wisdom gained at the end.
An ancient Greek Philosopher as well as a Scientist named Aristotle was the teacher of Alexander the Great and a student of Plato. Aristotle defines tragedy as imitations of life consist of action with a serious lesson to convey and purges emotions into the audience which leads to catharsis of these emotions. “Oedipus Rex” written by Sophocles is an Athenian tragedy which practically fulfills the Aristotelian theory of a tragedy. Oedipus, the King of Thebes is a noble man with great personality whose life is controlled by the ill-fate he is born along with the tragic flaw that is excessive pride and confidence that he can make his life best, but cannot overcome the ill-fate and boundlessly struggles. The tragedy “Oedipus Rex” viewed through
Aristotle argues that in a tragedy a hero must possess a tragic flaw that leads to his or her ruin. An example that backs up this argument is Sophocles’s tragedian play, Oedipus Rex, in which its protagonist was a victim of such fatal flaws that caused ruination in his life. In this case, Oedipus tragic flaws were both his anger and his pride. Furthermore, the fate that Oedipus suffered because of such flaws not only caused his downfall, but also the death of those he cherished. The tragic flaws that Oedipus possessed made fate and free will be more conspicuous throughout the play; additionally, it showed how valuable these things are when making decisions.
Aristotle’s tragic hero is one of the most recognizable types of heroes among literature. A tragic hero combines five major points all of which have to do with the hero’s stature in society, his faults, how these faults effect him, the punishment his faults gets him, and how he reacts to this punishment. Aristotle explained that the story of Oedipus the King, written by Sophocles, is a perfect example of a tragic hero. In the play, Oedipus is given a prophecy in which he is told that he will kill his father then marry his mother. As in many Greek plays, Oedipus tries to run from his prophecy and ends up fulfilling exactly what it is foretold. Through the play we see that Oedipus posses many of the characteristics
Oedipus is a boy who was left on the mountains to die by his own parents, the King and Queen of Thebes, due to a tragic prophecy told by the Oracles of Delphi. The prophecy declares that the boy would be destined to murder his father, king Louis of Thebes and then incest with Louis’s wife, Jocasta, Oedipus mother. After being abandoned on the mountain by his wicked parents, a shepherd found this little child and takes him to the King and Queen. King Polybus and Queen Merope of Corinth decided that since they don't have a child of their own, it would
“Oedipus Rex” was a Greek Tragedy written by Sophocles in the fifth century BC. It was the first of a trilogy of plays surrounding the life of Oedipus. Sophocles wrote over 120 plays approximately 100 years before Aristotle even defined a tragedy and the tragic hero. Aristotle’s definition of a tragedy is “… an imitation of an action of high importance, complete and of some amplitude; in language enhanced by distinct and varying beauties; acted not narrated; by means of pity and fear effecting its purgation of these emotions” (Kennedy and Gioa 2010). According to Aristotle there were six elements to a tragedy: the plot, the character, the
Oedipus’s life and destiny was said to be set by the god’s, but together with his parent’s lies and his own ignorance, he brought upon his downfall foretold so long ago. It was only when he was born that a prophecy of Oedipus, who was to kill his father and marry his mother. Terrified and without much thought of the consequences, Iokaste and Laius abandoned the child to die. Oedipus did not die. Instead he became a strong and well respected prince, who believed his real parents were king and queen of Corinth. Oedipus’s adoptive parents kept him in the dark about his true identity. For this reason, when ignorant Oedipus hears of his prophecy, he runs away terrified. Ironically, on his journey away from home, he encounters his real father, Laius King of Thebes, which he kills due to an argument. Moreover, he goes on to become King of Thebes and husband of Iokaste, his biological mother. So, without realizing, the fate that Oedipus wanted to impede so badly occurs right before his eyes, showing that fate “lies within Apollo’s competence/As it is his concern” (Oed.