Later that day her husband could tell something had made Rosa upset, he loved her so much that he wanted nothing to happen to her. She explained everything that happened earlier that morning. Jordan then became furious at the witch for not letting Rosa take the berries. After Rosa finished the telling him the story he came up with a plan that would cheer up Rosa, that plan involved him sneaking into the garden that night. After dinner Rosa and Jordan went to bed, when he was sure she was asleep he left the house. It took him several hours to find the secret passage and when he found it he went down the trail without looking twice. When he arrived to the garden he located the berries that his beloved wife wanted. As he was about to take some
Many Aboriginal populations have been using storytelling as a way of communication for centuries. Storytelling is used on a day to day basis whether it be reading a story to kids or telling friends about an experience. The importance of storytelling is highlighted constantly throughout the book Three Day Road by Joseph Boyden and the entire story itself is a recollection of memories. Niska tells stories of her past to warn and teach Xavier. Xavier tells stories of his haunting and innocence shattering experience at war to help him heal. Elijah tells stories about his life before and during the war as an attempt to maintain what is left of his aboriginal culture and to heal himself by reminding himself of his achievements and what he has proudly accomplished . Storytelling plays a significant role in the novel by teaching and helping to heal the characters.
I had a poke around the town, but nearly every building I went to had a locked door
My names Linn and i’m 24 years old, this morning my husband gave me some horrible and good news. The bad news is that our family is going on the Oregon trail and that means we're leaving Illinois, where I grew up my whole life and our family dog, but the good news he said about going on the Oregon trail is that when we get to our destination we're gonna have a lot more farm land. Today we're gonna try and find a wagon. We went to our friends house to see if the have a wagon we can use and it happens that the do it's a Prairie Schooner and they gave it to us for a lower price than what they wanted it for. We hooked our horse up to the wagon and we were on our way back home. When we got home, we automatically started to pack. My husband James, who is 25 years old
Have you ever been in a situation where you didn’t think you could do it? Well I have many times and I’m going to write about a time during Rodeo when I didn’t think I was going to be able to do well in goat tying.
Humans are animals. Even as developed, personalized, and intelligent as we are, we share a deep connection with every living thing. However, many of the problems in the world result from the human belief that technology is more powerful and can replace the serene, perfect essence of nature. I believe that a connection with nature can heal wounds and help humans find balance in their lives.
I began my through hike of the Pacific Crest trail on April 18th. I flew from San Francisco to San Diego where I started the 2,600 mile hike from Mexican-American border in California to the Canadian-American border in Washington. I had with me a 63.4 lb backpack filled with all the odds and ends that go along with commencing a cross-continental hike. I was prepared. Its July now and I am in the heart of the Sierra Nevada about 35 miles North of Yosemite National Park, 80 miles away from my next resupply point, 4 days behind schedule, I only have 2 days of food left. A huge amount of unexpected rainfall made it too dangerous to traverse the trails which are mostly built on the edge of cliffs. I have a choice, either continue on further North
It was my first weekend of working at BTSR, a boy-scout ranch nestled in the treacherous beauty of the Davis Mountains of west Texas, and the first real break anyone had had all week. The previous week had been staff week, the time set aside at the beginning of summer to get the camp set up for scouts and to train any new staff members (myself included), and we were all pretty worn out. I found myself at one of the picnic tables outside the mess hall, the central hub of the 9,000+ acre ranch, going back through the lesson plans that I had been given earlier that week. I was supposed to be teaching a bunch of 10-18 year old boys off their ADHD meds for the summer how to shoot rifles and shotguns, and they somehow
The drive to Vermont was one of the longest drives I have ever been on. Other than going to Ohio and Ottawa it was the longest. It was a long time in the car that you live with everyday. It was 7 hours in the car. That was a lot of time to waist. We played a few games and listened to the radio but it was still only 3 hours in. We still had 4 more hours to kill. All i was doing was daydreaming about snowboarding. That's what I did for the next 7 hours
On September 08, 2015 at approximately 9:29 PM I, Deputy Bowring, was dispatched to shots fired and the subjects were in a black in color, Nissan pickup, heading north bound on Farm to Market 288 toward State Highway 154.
I was walking in the woods with the others in our search party. I’m Zach. My nickname is Echo. I’m with two other people: Jack and Ryder. We are looking for eight people who mysteriously went missing at a lot of different times this month. We have been walking for the past hour and a half. We stopped for a break and saw a weird reflection.
Riding along the Oregon Trail can be treacherous, risky, and at times perilous. Some aspects that make it so dangerous are: hunger, disease, suicide, a broken wagon, falling out of the wagon and getting run over by the wheels, Indians attacking, and … storms. Believe it or not , storms cause substantial amounts of trouble. I am fortunate enough to say, I, Dahlia Clark, lived to tell about it.
My alarm went off at 5 like it did every morning. After a quick jog around the loop of the neighborhood and a lightning-quick shower, I sat down to coffee and the newspaper in the kitchen at 5:50. Neither Ben nor Morgan was up yet, so it was generally quiet.
The rusty, metal gate is broken and falling apart. I open the gate to let myself in as the wind blows by gently. The earthy and dead smells, like a cemetery are very unpleasant for me, but I can’t give up now. I need to know what happened to my family before they died. I know it wasn’t a suicide like the police said. I lost my family when I was nine; my dad, my mom and both of my grandparents. I’ve stayed at my aunt’s house ever since. And there’s never a day that I don’t miss them. As I slowly walk toward the house, I can tell how humid the air is, by my sticky skin is rubbing against each other. I’m blinded by the fog around the house as I step closer and closer. The place is silent, so silent that I could hear my own heart beating; fast
It seemed as if I had been here for hours but I knew it had only been minutes. I’d been waiting for it to come, to prove it was real. My hands were shaking, gripping the camera as if for dear life. I thought, I can’t go back, not after what I said. No, I won’t go back until it’s proven, until I can show them the truth.
Once a upon a time in a long stormy night.. I was with three people in a car driving to a haunted railroad. As we were driving we saw something strange. I didn't know what it was but we were scared. So as we were driving listening to some r&b music, I saw something for another time and they thought..”hmmm what is going on!”. So we wanted to find out what it was so we stopped the car and got out. I was looking around and I asked fiercely “why are we doing this?” Joey replied strangely “because we need to find out what is going on!” So we went on the trail of the train tracks hoping there was a big train coming for us. As we were walking Outta nowhere There it is. A train rushing forward and we all run except for joey he didn't realise that there was a train coming. We yelled for him but he couldn't here us. By time joey got crushed by the train.