
The Training Procedure For Pigeons

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Animal learning theory suggests that associative mechanisms can influence behaviour through either the activation of stimuli by Pavlovian conditioning or through instrumental conditioning. Pavlovian conditioning reflects the acquisition of motivational properties of a conditioned stimuli (CS) through its association with appetitive or aversive reinforcement; the unconditioned stimulus (US) as they are presented together (Balleine and Dickinson, 2002). In the Pavlovian training procedure for pigeons, the unconditioned reinforcer is pecking at the food in the food tray, while the conditioned reinforcer is pecking at a light, (the CS), previously signalling the delivery of food (the US). A conditioned reinforcer is a neutral …show more content…

Zentall and Hogan (1975) reported pigeons given pairings of a key-light (CS) and a food (US) would develop the conditioned reinforcer of pecking at the key, even when access to the food was prevented, highlighting that the conditioned reinforcer can possess reinforcing properties.

The presentation of non-contingent reinforcement after the extinction of a learned response has also been well studied. Evidence indicates that this can lead to a restoration of conditioned responding in appetitive conditioning (Bouton & Peck, 1989). However, there is no widespread agreement as to the theories behind it, although it has been suggested that presentation of the US, after conditioning and extinction, but before the test phase, elevates reinstatement of the response (Delemater, 1997).

Inhibitory conditioning refers to the degradation of the contingency between the US and the CS in the Pavlovian case, or allowing the response to occur without an outcome (extinction) during instrumental learning (Hall, 2002). Davis and Smith (1976) demonstrated that in the extinction of the lever-press response in the absence of the conditioned reinforcer, the conditioned reinforcer was still able to provoke lever responses. However, it was only able

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