
The Transatlantic Slave Trade Often Known As The Triangular

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The Transatlantic Slave Trade often known as the triangular trade was described as the largest long-distance movement of people in all of history. The movement of Africa slaves to the Americas lastly for approximately four centuries and can be viewed as one of the first ideas of globalization . The ship would move from the Americas to Western Europe with raw materials, then to Africa with manufactured goods. Lastly, from Africa the Americas with African slaves. Thus the movement of over 12.5 million slaves from Africa and 10.7 million slaves arriving in the Americas. The slave trade changed to the demographics of the world forever. Many historians ask why did the European countries choose African for their source of slave labor …show more content…

This primary source shows historians the first signs of the impact the slave trade will soon have on Africa. The most well known narrative is The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah- Equiano. Olaudah was a slave from present day Nigeria that was kidnapped at a young age and sold into the slave trade along with his older sister. This primary source serves as great importance to historians, for it gives a first hand account of the trade. For example, Equiano describes his memories of the boat to Barbadoes. “”Made ready with fearful noises, and were all put under deck… the stench of the hold while were on the coast was intolerably loathsome.” This quote serves for the purpose of allowing readers to understand the misery and discomfort endured by the African as they traveled to the Americas. The next stage for the slaves includes auction and sale, where they would be sold to an owner. In The History of Mary Prince, a West Indian Slave gives the insight of how a young slave felt to be sold once making it to the Americas. She describes it as, “handled me in the same way that a butcher would a calf or lamb he was about to purchase.” This source allows readers to see how whites treated slaves as “nonhuman” this social view impacted American’s lives until the late 1960s and beyond. The next sets of primary sources of non-African people they describe the slave trade through a “white perspective”. “A Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea” written

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