
The Transformation Of Anne Frank

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Anne Frank was a youthful, growing young girl who was adapting to the sudden changes made around her due to her religion. She used to have a comforting life, taking in the fresh air, heading to the movies with her friends, and being able to stay in her home. However, that all changed for her when World War II had begun, for the Frank family had no option but to go into hiding from the Nazis. The Franks couldn't have done anything else because they were compelled to hide from the Nazis because, at that time, Nazis had blamed the loss of World War I on the Jewish people. They were taking action with their leader, Hitler, running the mass discrimination against the innocent religion. Besides that point, Anne Frank and her family had gone into …show more content…

It'll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but someday," shows that Annele has a tremendous amount of optimism towards the future. As you know, Anne is a young teenager and is still going through the process of growing up; however, she shows an abundant amount of enthusiasm towards a bright future through the play. This young girl isn't going through what any youthful child with their whole life ahead of them is going through; as a matter of fact, she is in one of the worst situations that any adolescent could endure. Even so, she shows great compassion to the world by putting her trust in it to know better. The quote, "I think the world may be going through a phase the way I was with mother. It'll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but some day," not only shows her ability to look onwards from the dreadful times but also says an awful lot about her personality! This quote shows that she likes to see the best in certain scenarios. Having such an ability at such a young age defines the fact that Anne wants the world to come to its senses, and that she tells herself that everything would be fine. Young Miss. Frank had also declared, "If we begin thinking of all the horror in the world, we're lost! We're trying to hold onto some kinds of ideals...when everything...ideals, hopes...everything, are being destroyed." As I had said previously, Anne clearly states that she wants to hold onto her perfect image of the world without the adults spoiling that image for her! She wanted to look at the world through a lens purified of goodness, not through a lens of hatred, hostility, and segregation! Such a quality in such a youngster is a rare and rather extinct feature! In such a predicament, anyone who can look at the world, at this point in history, and say that the world will get better whilst in her situation, truly deserves props and also says much about her personality!

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