Anne Frank was a youthful, growing young girl who was adapting to the sudden changes made around her due to her religion. She used to have a comforting life, taking in the fresh air, heading to the movies with her friends, and being able to stay in her home. However, that all changed for her when World War II had begun, for the Frank family had no option but to go into hiding from the Nazis. The Franks couldn't have done anything else because they were compelled to hide from the Nazis because, at that time, Nazis had blamed the loss of World War I on the Jewish people. They were taking action with their leader, Hitler, running the mass discrimination against the innocent religion. Besides that point, Anne Frank and her family had gone into …show more content…
It'll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but someday," shows that Annele has a tremendous amount of optimism towards the future. As you know, Anne is a young teenager and is still going through the process of growing up; however, she shows an abundant amount of enthusiasm towards a bright future through the play. This young girl isn't going through what any youthful child with their whole life ahead of them is going through; as a matter of fact, she is in one of the worst situations that any adolescent could endure. Even so, she shows great compassion to the world by putting her trust in it to know better. The quote, "I think the world may be going through a phase the way I was with mother. It'll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but some day," not only shows her ability to look onwards from the dreadful times but also says an awful lot about her personality! This quote shows that she likes to see the best in certain scenarios. Having such an ability at such a young age defines the fact that Anne wants the world to come to its senses, and that she tells herself that everything would be fine. Young Miss. Frank had also declared, "If we begin thinking of all the horror in the world, we're lost! We're trying to hold onto some kinds of ideals...when everything...ideals, hopes...everything, are being destroyed." As I had said previously, Anne clearly states that she wants to hold onto her perfect image of the world without the adults spoiling that image for her! She wanted to look at the world through a lens purified of goodness, not through a lens of hatred, hostility, and segregation! Such a quality in such a youngster is a rare and rather extinct feature! In such a predicament, anyone who can look at the world, at this point in history, and say that the world will get better whilst in her situation, truly deserves props and also says much about her personality!
In 1933, the nazi took power in Germany, which cause depression to a lot of people. At the beginning, Nazi defy the Jews, Gypsies, and the disabled. In March 1933, the first concentration camp was built and later on more concentration and death camps were made. A family named the Franks went into hiding with the Van Daans in Amsterdam. In “Anne Frank” the characters face adversity and conflict like man vs self, man vs nature, and man vs man that makes the “Diary of Anne Frank” a wonderful story.
The primordial beast calls with great force over mind and body from within the soul. Throughout the story, but mostly towards the end, the primordial beast, which is Buck’s natural instincts inside him from his ancestors, begins to surface in Buck. Buck is taken to a place where his ancestors would live and he begins to live more and more like a wild dog, like his ancestors. He learned the ways of the wild, and by the end of the book Buck has gone from a peaceful and friendly domestic dog to a wild animal who leaves his life with humans and goes out into the forest to live with a pack of wolves. For “the call” beckons Buck to live like his ancestors.
“There's only one rule you need to remember: laugh at everything and forget everybody else! It sound egotistical, but it's actually the only cure for those suffering from self-pity.” (Frank 321) Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl who went into hiding during World War II to avoid being captured by the Nazis. She and seven other people had to hide in a secret annex Prinsengracht 263 in Amsterdam. Anne received a diary on her 13th birthday and wrote about all the little things that had happened to her throughout the day.
Anne Frank, a name? A book? A girl? A prisoner? Anne was all these things. She lived in a world ruled by the Germans. Adolf Hitler, the ruler of the Nazi Germans ordered for the whole Jew population to be destroyed. He ordered all Jews to be taken from their homes and to be sent to labor or death camps, also known as concentration camps. Once Anne’s family heard of this they went into hiding with four other Jews. After two years of hiding, not being able to go outside, talk or move a lot, or being able to use the W.C. at certain times of the day, the Franks, Vaan Dans, and Mr. Dussel were turned in by a random citizen and were arrested. Before that time Anne had a diary where she wrote her deepest most inner thoughts. She once said, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” I disagree with Anne’s statement, “Despite everything, I believe people are really good at heart.”
From Anne’s journal we learn that her day to day life has changed for the worst. But Anne never thought bad even though things around her were falling apart in the holocaust. She always tried to make the best out of her experience. Anne, her family, and others stayed in a hiding place throughout the holocaust. But before they went into their hiding place the Frank family received a call-up from the S.S saying that they are coming for the Franks. Therefore we can assume that the people in the hiding place feared getting caught by the S.S everyday. Even though Anne was not able to do much Anne mentioned that at least it’s better than being in a concentration camp cell. Although the Frank family was in a time of chaos they tried to live as normal
Anne Frank was a German Jew. She was born in Germany. At the age of two or three the family moved to Holland. In Holland as hitler was gaining power laws were made. Those laws took away rights of Jewish and other people on the "undesirables" list. Those people were not seen as people anymore. When people were being called upon. The Frank's went into hiding earlier then planned. The people that worked with Otto Frank helped the two familties go into hiding. At first there was just seven people in hiding. Then another man came to hide with them the families were in hiding for almost three years. Otto Frank thought of everything and what would happen in other situaltions. From how they got food anf the way the company was run. Otto was in World War I and a very good soldier at that.
My opinion on this article is that it’s actually very inspiring and supportive. I like the fact that Fox challenged the entertainment industry because in a way, many people are talking about that women cannot play in major league teams, but the fact that Fox took a risk and the show is based on a true story about Sarah Hudek. She is one of the biggest role models for women because she destroyed that stereotype for women. I have seen multiple advertisements about the show Pitch because it is huge phenomenon about a woman pitching. I find this article really inspiring mainly because of the fact Sarah Hudek didn’t allow society to break her, instead she continued to be the best
Anne Frank was a young girl that was Jewish. She was normal and had an entertaining life. When Hitler came into power the Frank family was in Amsterdam. Anne's sister, Margot, got a call-up notice. That meant Margot had to register with the goverment where she lived. Otto Frank, their father, then took the family into hiding. They lived in a spot Anne called the secret annexe. Also there was another family that eventually lived with them, and an elderly man eventually came
Anne had a heart filled with hope and had a bright future ahead of her, as the war progressed she began to see the suffering of the people around her. Everyone did love her personality. She was very curious, talkative, and playful and was lots of fun to be around. Anne had a hunger for knowledge and was very optimistic. Writing was always her favorite thing. It calmed her from the rages of the world, she could just write and be herself. When she went into hiding she lived in a place called the Secret Annex. A Secret Annex was a building that was placed between two buildings. The first floor was Otto Frank's business and the second was the hiding spot. The real name in Dutch meant behind or back, so in the diary, they used the term Secret Annex. For over 2 years she lived in the secret home, and that is when she got her journal at the age of 13. Almost every day she would write about her current life and the things going on around her. She would write about how much she missed her friends from school and often missed being outside out in the open air. When the Van Pels moved in they had a son named Peter, Anne would play around with Peter, take his shoes and hide them. She thought it was very amusing, Peter didn't quite think so.
Anne Frank, a famous victim of the Holocaust said this “How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” Anne Frank was once a free woman in this world. She didn’t have to go into hiding, fear getting caught, or worse, possibly dying.
The Author came out with a strong out look on the situation of Anne Franks Development. Anne Frank was a little girl who lived in Amsterdam with her Father, they lived a normal life until the Holocaust took place and for forced Anne into hiding. Sadly the Nazis found out about the Franks hiding and who they were staying with, Otto Frank was they only one who survived. Anne Frank knew that she would even be living a sad and scary life. "Anne’s Voice. I expect I should be describing what it feels like to go into hiding. But I really don’t know yet myself. I only know it’s funny never to be able to go outdoors . .
Throughout the entire book Anne remains hopeful that her life will get better. Ever through starvation, boredom, and fear, Anne is still hopeful at heart. When the family arrives at the annex and tries to make the best of the situation by saying, “I don't think of all the misery, but of the beauty that still remains” (171). Earlier on in the novel Anne had chosen to focus on the beauty beneath the fog of war and death. She keeps telling herself that There is still beauty in the world. Later in the story Anne makes a mature comment, she said, “It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals,
Changes happen to all of us. The change may be good or it may be bad. We all experience changes and the changes reflect how we think, act, or talk in society. Every change is different and every change has different outcomes. In The Diary of a Young Girl, Anne Frank change quite a lot throughout the story. She was very different from everyone else who hid with her in the annex, in good ways and bad ways. As she grows, she changes her personality, her mentality, and, most importantly, her emotions. She wanted to be respected and didn’t want to cause trouble, even though she did. As time went by, she started to change her emotions and felt more empathy.
"The Diary of Anne Frank" tells us a story about how her life as a Jew was drastically changing during the Holocaust and the start of World War II (WWII). She was a very intelligent young woman that had hopes and dreams. Anne was a normal teenager trying to find her way in life. All of that changed when the Nuremburg Race Laws were formed. Her father who was a World War I fighter hid his family and friends in a Secret Annex that was blended in with a normal neighborhood. As she lived for months in the Secret Annex, Frank had written her diary, full of her experiences in the Annex. Everything changed though, when she reached the end of her times in the Annex. Hitler's men had found Anne and her family and friends. This memoir adds in to the
Ernest Hemingway relied on experiences and the time period that he wrote the novel The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway used symbolism and irony to express his own experiences that he went through after the war, in this novel. Gertrude Stein named the generation of adults that lived during World War I, "The Lost Generation."People thought the phrase holds true to some people who fought or were involved in the war. Hemingway quotes Stein in passages saying "The world remains and the sun continues to rise and set." The Sun Also Rises first appeared in 1926.