The Transformational Leadership style is my approach to be an outstanding and effective supervisor/ leader. My leader style reflects values that support transformation within a team or work environment. Transformational leadership style is a high level of communication from management to staff that drives an organizations goals such as Mission, Vision, and Values. The transformational leadership approach fosters a positive approach that let each member of a team give his/her opinion prior to a decision is made by a supervisor or organization leadership. As a VHA aspiring leader, I have found that leaders must motivate employees to enhance productivity and efficiency through communication, trust, and high visibility. The most important
As I take a moment to reflect on my time here, I have learned that I have traits of a Transformational Leader but that I also have room for improvement. I have highlighted areas in where I felt I needed the most improvement to become the Transformational Leader that I aspire to be. For the next three to five years, I plan to implement these changes to improve the way that I utilize the Elements of Adaptability, The Who, Stakes and Situation, Impact on Work Center Climate, and Ethical Behavior concepts. Understanding and effectively implementing these changes will make me a better leader for my subordinates, peers, and supervisors.
As Northouse (2015) explained, transformational leadership is a process that can change and transform the emotions, values, ethics, standard, and long term goals of the people. It also involves transforming followers to accomplish more than what is expected of them. The four factors that are closely associated with transformational leadership includes being an idealized influence or charisma leaders who act as strong role models, have a high standard of moral and ethical conduct, and deeply respected by his or her followers. A leader who can inspire and motivate their followers to be part of a shared vision of the organization. A leader who can also stimulate followers to become more creative and innovative, and provide the necessary coaches and advice to the followers (p.167).
I believe every student can succeed to be college and career ready and become a responsible citizen. This belief and the opportunity of crafting and leading a shared vision to educate the students for the 21st century are the key factors that motivate me to serve as a school leader. Furthermore, the belief that we must set the bar high for each and every one of our students, and the belief that all students can achieve great things, and that educators must make the effort to equip every students for great success have been the driving force for me as an educational leader. With the unveiling of Hawaii’s blueprint for Every Student Succeeds Act, I am even more energized to be part of the education reform that empowers schools, educators, students, and the community to prepare the students for 21st century. As a school leader, I
This paper summarizes the article written by Cam Caldwell, Rolf D. Dixon, Larry A. Floyd, Joe Chaudoin, Johnathan Post, and Gaynor Cheokas regarding the need for a new type of leadership in today’s social work environment, defined as Transformative leadership. The article itself varies in the definition, however in a broad sense Transformative leadership is maintaining good moral standing and sound business ethics among employees and individuals inside and outside the workplace. However, in order to reach this theoretical level of business related moral and ethical leadership known as
The transformational style of leadership focuses on the team’s performance as a whole, it encourages everyone to think of the group as a whole and rather not just themselves. Transformational leaders aim to make their team members better people by encouraging their self-awareness, it’s all about moving forward in a team and not just several individuals in one group. An example of transformational leadership would be within the army where as a team you all have to move forward and stick together in a group
A transformational leader is a delegator of tasks and inspires his or her team to share in his or her vision and the objectives. This is a true leader who motivates and care for his or her team. He or she wants to achieve results through his or her team and take time to understand the conditions of all the team members. He or she is visible by the team members and show more interest in the team than in the task ahead. He or she is a good communicator
After studying and learning from the different theories of Leadership, I found Transformational Leadership the best theory to identify with. Before going further with this theory, I want to state the most accurate Leadership definition for me. Leadership is a development of social influence and an exchange of values, behaviors, and power delegation between leaders and followers, where leaders maximizes efforts of the followers to achieve a collective goal (Kruse, 2013). Moreover, Scholars has divided leadership into different areas, such as Trait Approach, Skill Approach, Situational Approach, Transformational-Transactional, to name a few (COLLINSON & TOURISH, 2015). In this paper, I will talk about my concept of leadership before learning about the different leadership theories, what Transformational Leadership Theory is, how it helps raising the productivity in the group, the different dimensions of this theory, the differences with transactional leadership, the relation between charisma and transformational leadership, why I chose transformational leadership, and the different challenges and obstacles of this theory.
Transformational leadership. Burns (1978) is recognized as one of the earliest theorist on transformational leadership, who introduced transformational leadership over 30 years ago. Transformational leaders are perceived as leaders who uplift their employee morale, subsequently uplifting the entire organizational. Transformational leaders are known by their capacity to inspire followers to forgo self-interests in achieving superior results for the organization (Clawson, 2006). Avolio and Yammarino (2002) shared Bass’s explanation of transformational leadership as leaders who act as agents of change that stimulate, and transform followers’ attitudes, beliefs, and motivate from lower to higher level of arousal.
To improve motivation of employees it is necessary for the Simbian’s top-management to change their leadership style. Balazs (2002) claimed that for industries, which based on individual’s creativity and team work, such as professional architectural firms, transformational leadership style is crucial for organizations well-being.
Leadership comes in many different styles. Depending on the type of mission or goal one has each style of leadership can be helpful or harmful. One leadership style that has been found to work well in a career setting is transformational leadership (Doody and Doody, 2012). Transformational leaders are described as having a deep set of internal values that they encourage those under them to take part in, in the end the ultimate goal for transformational leader is to help the greater good (Doody and Doody, 2012). This type of leadership is especially important in a hospital setting, as everyone should have the health of his or her clients as their end goal. Transformational leadership is one of the most important leadership styles in regard to nursing, as it allows the employees to care about the people and encourages them to take risks and be creative with the ultimate goal of helping others. Becoming a transformational leader is an important aspect for me to learn as a nursing student and can only benefit me in the future. In order to become a transformational leader I must first learn about the qualities this leadership style entails and the effects it has on nursing.
As a nurse educator my role will be one of leadership. I hope to be a leader that represents the Transformational Leadership style. The transformational leader has a mission and is able to share that mission with their students (Duygulu & Kublay, 2011).The leaders that use this style gain the students attention and the trust by being interested in what is going on with the students in a professional manner. The transformational leader is interested in finding ways that interest the students and encourage the students to grow and learn the world of nursing. The transformational leader would help the student to seek a style of learning that would be best suitable to the help the student learn and help them to find the tools necessary to achieve their academic goals (Shin, Sok, Sun Hyun, & Ja Kim, 2015).
Sir Richard Charles Nicholas Branson, an English businessman and investor, is best known as the founder of Virgin Group. Branson is a high school dropout turned billionaire. The Virgin brand really started to take off in the 1980’s when he started Virgin Atlantic, which then grew to Virgin Records. Forbes listed Branson at an estimated new worth of $5 billion (, 2015). Virgin has grown into different sectors ranging from music to travel. There is currently more than 100 different Virgin companies across the world. The company has roughly 60,000 employees in over 50 different countries.
Also known as transformational theories, relationship theories focus upon the connections formed between leaders and followers. Leaders in this category focus upon forging close connections between their followers and themselves, inspiring them to lofty goals and to accomplishment of their potential, as well as to visualizing their tasks in the form of contributions that can have a powerful effect on society and on the world (
Productive transformational leadership abilities can easily be developed. A transformational leader has a trustworthy relationship with their followers. Having a strong bond between a leader and their followers can influence more productivity and incorporate more ethical practices. With this bond, the follower tends to put their best foot forward, taking full accountability for their actions because there is a sense of trust and honor. There are four dimensions of transformational leadership, which are “idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individual consideration” (Pradhan 228). Ideally, a leader should be a role model in order to influence others. Typically, a role model is a person that is looked to by others to be imitated, one that is easily accessible and a go-to person to communicate with. The connection between the leader and followers is an important facet to guide the followers to succeed in their end goal. A positive relationship can lead to inspirational motivation, the second of the four dimensions of transformational leadership. Depending on the situation, inspirational motivation can be developed by breaking down and causing the follower to be unselfish. Motivation starts with looking at the “big picture” in life and seeking out what is necessary to achieve it. Motivated people on average are more successful and perform better than others that lack motivation. Leaders with substantial goals and visions encourage and
Throughout the world today, there is a large problem with the abuse and “War on Drugs” when it comes to narcotics in the community. Operative Leaders throughout the world have been diligently working to help resolve this problem, while still caring for patients in a professional and pain free manner. With following a transformational leadership theory, effective leaders involved in this debate can develop a healthy and inspirational apparition of the future. They will motivate others to achieve this vision, they will manage its delivery, and they will build strong and successful solutions to provide a pain-controlled environment, with little or no abuse of pain medication.