
The Transition into College Writing by Keith Hjorshoj

Satisfactory Essays

Annotated Table of Contents Essay 1 was about a Mission Statement that I had to write for myself something personal which explains something that is truthful and explains who and what I am and what I am strving to achieve when searching my name “Brian Mamuyac”. What I did to prepare for this assignment was that our instructor gave us the prompt ahead of time and I created a rough draft and when we had to meet up in the computer room I just had to type up my essay and turn it in. The challenging part of this essay would be understanding the prompt because I had no idea what a Mission statement was and what I was supposed to do. For Essay 1 I was marked down for redundancy, repetition, grammar and spelling and also clutter. What I can do to prevent the errors in my next version would be to understand the prompt and directions more and have more ideas to write about myself. In my revised Essay 1 version I did well on fixing my mistakes and not repeating the same mistakes as last time by using the feedback that I received and changing or improving the mistakes that I made in the past. I believe that I was marked down for the grammar, punctuation and spelling errors, clutter and the conclusion which were the same issues that I was marked own with. What I can do to ensure that the same issues won’t be showing again would be to reread my revisions and peer read my work so I can get the other mistakes that I might have created while revising or missed by mistake.
Annotated Table

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