
The Traveller, Pickin Em Up, And Still I Rise

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Have you ever thought about how poets write their poems? It’s not something anyone would do unless they were analyzing a poet's work. Some poets have special features and techniques that contribute to the poet's style. The poems that will be analyzed in this essay are the following, “The Traveller”, “Equality”, “Pickin Em Up and Layin Em Down”, and “Still I Rise”. All of these poems connect to Maya Angelou in a certain way. For example, “The Traveller”, and “Pickin Em Up and Layin Em Down” talk about how time has passed by and how Maya Angelou isn’t staying behind, she is moving along at the same pace. The poem called “Equality” is about the bad things she is about the bad things she has gone through and replaces it with a good thing she has done to show she covers up her mistakes. Now, the purpose of the poem “Still I Rise”, is to show how she has gone through a lot of bad experiences. Thus, Maya Angelou’s poems have a special connection to her and towards the world. …show more content…

For instance, in the poem “The Traveller”, it tells me that as time passes she is lonely and this makes others feel how fortunate they are to have a family. Next, the poem “Equality” makes people agree with her in the way she explains those rights with such a passion. “Pickin Em Up and layin Em Down” makes others understand that they need to move on even they meet nice people that they don’t want to leave. Lastly, “Still i Rise”, shows others that even though lots of bad things may happen, people still need to move on in life because it doesn’t end there, it continues. Therefore, Maya Angelou transmits what she’s feeling to others and makes them feel like they are not

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