
The Treasure Of Lemon Brown Theme Essay

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In the stories “ The Treasure of Lemon Brown” by Walter Dean Myers and The Pearl by John Steinbeck both main characters face conflict that changes their lives and their views of what is important in life. Greg is a high school boy who is doing poorly in math but wants to play basketball, while Kino is a man who loves his family intensely but finds himself suddenly rich-- but envied. Both characters in these enlightening stories had strong feelings about what is important, have experiences that radically change their views, but find their conflicts resolved in the end.

First off, both Greg and Kino have a fixed opinion about what is important in life before their incidents that make them change, Greg’s being basketball and Kino’s being family. “And you want to play basketball... Now you just get into your room and hit those books!” Greg is has his priorites off meaning that he rather play basketball, which distracts him from his studies. Also, the principal call his father to complain meaning that it is greatly impacting his academic focus. “ It was very good- Kino closed his eyes …show more content…

“ “You really think that treasure of yours was worth fighting for?” Greg asked. “Against a pipe?” This encounter and conversation with Lemon Brown helps Greg realize that his dad was doing all he did for his future. Greg’s father was trying make sure that Greg knew that he was just trying to help Greg be successful, meaning that academics have to be more important that basketball. Kino’s hand leaped to catch it, but it fell past his fingers, fell on the baby’s shoulder, landed and struck.” When the scorpion stings Coyotito, Kino is forced to go pearl diving, which leads to him finding the Pearl. This pearl drives Kino to change and be possessed to change his attitude from kind and content to morbid and murderous.Kino and Greg’s point of view for life both changes in abrupt and impetuous

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