
The Treaty Of Versailles At The Completion Of World War

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Following the Treaty of Versailles at the completion of World War 1, Germany fell into a state of ceaseless economic and moral decline, and its people became increasingly dissatisfied with the nation’s conditions. Many historians agree that Germany’s circumstances were caused due to the extensive reparations it had to pay, however, at this stage, Adolf Hitler’s ideologies of racial superiority and his anti-Semitic views falsely led him to accuse the Jews of Germany’s problems. Using the race as practical scapegoats, Hitler began dictating ideologies of German nationalism and anti-Semitism through speeches - delivered to the like-minded individuals of the German Workers Party (later, the Nazi Party) - and later through his autobiographical manifesto, Mein Kampf. Then, upon assuming leadership of the nation in 1933, he and Nazi followers systematically introduced an array of anti-Semitic policies, and in 1941 - following the onset of the Second world war - Europe saw the culmination of the Nazi’s ‘final solution’ to the Jewish problem, in which over two thirds of the European population of Jews were wiped out- a mass genocide, referred to collectively as the Holocaust.
The concept of anti-Semitism had been around long before Nazi Germany, however, in a period of heightened social, economic and moral insecurity that was the end of World War 1, ideas of anti-Semitism and strong beliefs of nationalism became more prominent in German society. The German Workers Party was one such

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