Better Together Essay In many instances the Torah gives perfect examples on how people or things shouldn't be alone. These examples all stem from during the creation of the world. G-d understood that when creating the first human, Adam, he then created Chava, a help mate. Noach was instructed to take animals 2 by 2 into the ark so the animals wouldn't be alone and so they can reproduce. Avraham asked for old age, for him and for future generations, so that there would be a physical difference between father and son. Yitzchak understood that when Sarah his mother past away, Avraham needed someone to keep him company, so he got Hagar, Sarah's former maid servant. Being said all this, we should be grateful for nursing homes that give senior …show more content…
Throughout our lives people (mainly parents) continue to give without asking anything in return. The tree from The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein, demonstrates the act of unconditional love, by giving the boy all that he wanted without asking for anything in return. As we age, our children ask for things which we always provide for them; with no strings attached. Now, the children should ask, it’s not what your parent could for you, but ask what you could do for your parent. The seniors in the nursing home, live their lives to the best of their ability and now it is our turn to make them feel comfortable and loved. Being part of the intergenerational Better Together program, really taught me that everyone is special in their own special way. Everyone contributes into society in
The setting changes while Francie continues to mature into a woman. She becomes 16, and is beginning to lead a life of her own. The family leaves the grieving they had for Johnny behind. Not only does Francie start out with a clean slate, so does the rest of the Nolan family. After the two and ½ years of mourning for Johnny, Sergeant Mc Shane asks Katie to marry him. War rages through the country. While he and Katie make arrangements for the fall wedding and gifts of money and whatnot, Francie makes headway in her personal life.
“If you were to be lost in the river, Jonas, your memories would not be lost with you. Memories are forever.” This quote shows that the The Giver Movie is more powerful than the The Giver book, by Lois Lowry. In The Giver, a boy named Jonas is living in a community in the future, he gets selected to be the next receiver of memories, he and the giver make a plan for Jonas to leave the community. When Jonas leaves he brings along Gabe, they end up finding somewhere else after a long journey.
“ You are weak when you lie because you aren't strong enough to face the truth” - The book “ The Giving tree” written by Shel Silverstein was created into a children's book in 1964. This book was written for children but, it also had certain ideas for older people. The book is about a tree and how much she loves a boy. She loves this boy so much that she would do anything for him even if it ended up hurting her. In the book “ The Giving Tree” Shel Silverstein emphasized that the Giving Tree was weak because she loved the boy more than herself, she let the boy take whatever he wanted from her just to make him happy including, things that made her who she was, and she never taught
What do you do when you get a scrape on your knee? Or if your having a bad day and you want to have someone to talk to? Many people go to their mother when they get hurt, emotionally or physically. Mothers works hard and make sacrifices so we have a better life. In the book "The Giving Tree", the author Shel Silverstein uses the tree as a "mother" of the little boy because the tree played with the boy. The tree also would also give what she had to the boy, she would sacrifice what she had to make the boy happier. It would take care of the boy.
Some of my favorite memories made in high school thus far are due to my involvement in the Best Buddies program. Best Buddies is offered across the United States and is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending the exclusion of people with special needs. I joined the program my freshman year and was selected my junior year of high school to be in the Best Buddies class where I get to develop a closer relationship with all of the buddies. In total there are about twenty-five special needs kids that attend my school. I am proud to attend a school that welcomes these kids and always makes sure to include them in major school events and extracurricular activities. Recently, Tyler, one of the buddies, scored a touchdown while playing with our varsity football team. This was a proud moment for the Best Buddies class because we wanted him to have this amazing experience.
When I became a junior I started to become very active in my local community. This experience can be credited to Key club (a community service organization) Key club has connected me with the community in a way I never knew.
Would you trade safety for freedom? In the book, The Giver, by Lois Lowry that is exactly the choice the people in this book had to face. The people who created the community were called, “Founders”. The Founders main goal in creating their community was to get rid of hurt and anger and gain peace and safety for all the people. There is a price for safety and happiness. Communities should be willing to let go of some of their liberties in order to live in a more peaceful and safe society. The Founders in this book took many measures to ensure safety for their community.
Elvis Presley once said, “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain 't goin ' away.” Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave relates to this quote by focusing on the truths of reality that humans do not comprehend. We think that we understand what we are seeing in our world, but we really just perceive shadows of the true forms of the things that make up the world. We are ignorant about the true nature of reality. The novel, The Giver, by Lois Lowry also involves these concepts. The main character, Jonas, lives in a community of conformity and conflict. When he begins to spend time and train with The Giver, an old man who is the only keeper of the community 's memories, Jonas discovers the unsafe truths of his community 's secret past. Once Jonas discovers the reality about his community, it constantly pesters him until he makes an important decision. Jonas realizes that he must escape from his world in order to make a long needed change for his community. As the prisoner from The Allegory of the Cave seeks knowledge outside of the cave, Jonas from The Giver discovers dark and deadly truths of his community’s secret past that will change his life forever.
Every author has their own unique niche that grabs the reader’s attention and pulls them in. They paint a picture with their words and imagination that allows the reader to go on a journey they never have experienced before. Each author is this way, but within his or her own uniqueness they become significantly different. The uniqueness can rage from early 1800s British authors to twenty-first century authors and they can range author to author. For example, Shel Silverstein is not only a unique author but quirky and fun, he paints wild pictures through the words of his story and takes his readers on an adventure of a lifetime. By reading and analyzing the work of an author you can connect with not only the work but the author themselves, you gain a better understanding and through this understanding you can connect the piece to your own life.
When presented with the word “elderly,” a twenty-year-old might begin to think of the joys of retirement when an older person has spent their life building a comfortable bank account; they then get to reward themselves by journeying around the world with their near and most dear companion. When reality sets in, that person may realize that a lot of today’s elderly are living in nursing homes or living week-by-week not knowing if they are going to be able to leave their hospital bed just to go relax in their recliner at home. While it is true that some elderly enjoy their last twenty or thirty years on earth, a lot of the elderly in America are struggling to hang on to life while being abused every day by healthcare workers or even loved ones. While many people have been working endlessly to put a stop to elder abuse, not everyone can say the same.
Imagine living in a community in which the government has taken the knowledge to achieve equality. Equality has been accomplished, at what price? In the dystopian novel “The Giver” by Lois Lowry, the members of the community are stripped of knowledge to maintain order and equality. Certain events in The Giver contribute to the theme that knowledge can transform an individual. Jonas lives in a society that lacks individuality and knowledge.
There are a number of lessons that can be learned from life. While living life, you learn things such as the unimportance of ‘keeping score’, the advantage of ‘going barefoot’ from time to time, and that you should always focus more on your needs rather than your wants. ‘The Giving Tree’, by Shel Silverstein, expresses these messages clearly with its melancholy story.
“Journeys provoke travellers, that may ultimately lead to transformation of self and leave the traveller far richer for the experience”
As I read through the scripture this week, God reminded me it was not His will for man to be alone and he designed us to have companionship with others. We can see in Genesis 2:18 God never intended for us to be alone (Zondervan, n.d.). As we read Genesis 2:18, the Creator clearly states it is not good to be alone and He provided a solution for us; He created a suitable helpmate(Zondervan, n.d.).
Favour Uche Ms. Jorges American lit 11 January, 2018. The Giving Tree. The key aspect discussed in the book, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, is the relationship between giving and friendship.