
The Tree From The Giving Tree, By Shel Silverstein

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Better Together Essay In many instances the Torah gives perfect examples on how people or things shouldn't be alone. These examples all stem from during the creation of the world. G-d understood that when creating the first human, Adam, he then created Chava, a help mate. Noach was instructed to take animals 2 by 2 into the ark so the animals wouldn't be alone and so they can reproduce. Avraham asked for old age, for him and for future generations, so that there would be a physical difference between father and son. Yitzchak understood that when Sarah his mother past away, Avraham needed someone to keep him company, so he got Hagar, Sarah's former maid servant. Being said all this, we should be grateful for nursing homes that give senior …show more content…

Throughout our lives people (mainly parents) continue to give without asking anything in return. The tree from The Giving Tree, by Shel Silverstein, demonstrates the act of unconditional love, by giving the boy all that he wanted without asking for anything in return. As we age, our children ask for things which we always provide for them; with no strings attached. Now, the children should ask, it’s not what your parent could for you, but ask what you could do for your parent. The seniors in the nursing home, live their lives to the best of their ability and now it is our turn to make them feel comfortable and loved. Being part of the intergenerational Better Together program, really taught me that everyone is special in their own special way. Everyone contributes into society in

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