
The Trinity And The Kingdom Of God

Decent Essays

Over the past few decades there has been much written, from both Catholic and Protestant perspectives, on the doctrine of the Trinity . The consensus among these various writings has been that, although the doctrine is important and central to the Christian faith and theology, it has been neglected and made obscure, and has become a complex and theological technical term . This obscurity renders the doctrine of the Trinity impossible to understand or apply to ordinary life.
Karl Rahner in his observations insists that modern Christians are ‘almost mere “monotheists”’, only paying lip service to the doctrine of Trinity but lacking in the actual practices . Rahner’s observation has been widely acknowledged with the desire being to make a change .
The need to place the doctrine of the Trinity at the heart of Christianity would be considered the epistemological and methodological safe ground upon which other doctrines are based. Since Júrgen Moltmann’s book The Trinity and the Kingdom of God was published in 1980, the propagation of a social understanding of God has gained propulsion. Kilby says that such an understanding has become the new …show more content…

In this dialogue, I will be reflecting on the pastoral reflective book, Holy Trinity, Perfect Community by Boff, his previous Book Trinity and Society and Church: Chrism and Power. As well as the work of Miroslav Volf in his book After Our Likeness – The Church as the Image of the Trinity and his essay ‘The Trinity is our Social Programme’ .

2.1 The Trinity as a Model for Humans: Boff and Volf’s Theological

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