Barry was a man that love to go on adventures and meet new people. On this particular voyage he went to the sea to see eight blue whales. It took hours for him to get prepared. He put on his clothes. The clothes he was wearing were heavy. Barry left his home in the morning and started to make his way to the ocean. The sun’s rays were hitting his face. He ate a pair of berries He was on his way to the sea when he stumbled upon three animals a hare, a bear, and a doe in a forest. They looked very poor. The three animals sat in a triangle next to a tree on top of a large sewn together piece of cloth. The bear was a male with a very lite and pale coat. The bear was eating two items a pear, and a piece of dough. To the left of him sat the hare. The hare was a light looking female with long dyed hair that was almost black. …show more content…
To the left of her was a beautiful doe. The doe was telling a story about how she was losing her husband, a buck, by the sea a few days ago. As Barry stepped forward towards the three creatures, he stepped on a branch. The hare said, “Who are you?” The hare had its hair stand up to make it look almost double its normal size. “Hi, my name is Barry.” “Where did you come from?” said the bear.“I came from over there in the mountains,” stated Barry.“You’re pretty far from home,” said the hare. The doe seemed very timid because she sat on her butt behind the bear. Barry said, “I’m heading down to the sea to watch some whales.” That peaked the doe’s interest. She stood up and asked Barry, “Can I go with you?” She was speaking in a high pitched quiet tone.“We want to go too,” said the other two animals almost in unison. Barry says, “Why are you wanting to go with me?” “Our goal is to find doe’s husband, Buck,” said the bear. The cool air blew. “I'll allow you to go with me.” The animals got up to follow him. The four companions began to walk through the
Mawson and 30 other men went to go explore unknown territory. They had done research and went to go see for themselves. When they started their voyage Mawson heard one of this dog’s yelp. When Mawson turned around, he saw the look of alarm on
These Grandfathers presented Black Elk with gifts to help him on his journey. A wooden cup, a bow and arrows, a white wing of cleansing, an herb to heal, a sacred pipe a flowering stick and the power to make live and to destroy were the tools that were given to him. Then, the Grandfathers showed Black Elk what was to become of his people. He was shown a holy tree which once had been flowering and was now gone. The people he was supposed to lead were thin and starving, and Black Elk cried as he saw the fate of his people.
one of the boys had gone out while the others had stayed behind and got some rest.The boy who had gone out to get food, had came across an elk, and the boy pulled out his bow and arrow and had
The three boys had caught an elk so that they could show they were man enough and to feed the whole tribe.The boy’s had gone back to their camp and were getting ready to show the chief that they were fit and ready to hunt with the other’s.
The protagonist is excited about the hunting trip, but initiates the event with a sense of innocence and curiosity. Another factor in Andy's willingness to go hunting may be in order to please her father or show that she is capable of doing everything a boy can do. While the hunters spend multiple days searching for game, Andy is the only one who comes in contact with the deer. While the characters hunt in the location where Andy saw the deer, Andy prays that they finally get a deer. On a second occurrence, she comes in contact with a deer. This time, the deer does not run away and stays stationary, grazing in the open. When the hunters finally spot the deer, Andy is asked if she wants to shoot it. Initially, she is frightened by the idea, but collapses under the weight of the peer pressure exerted by the impatience of Charlie and the expectancy of her Father. She finally holds the gun in her hand and aims the gun at the doe's chest area. While her mind began to blank out, she stopped thinking about the fact that she had never shot a living creature before and pulled the trigger. After the shot had been made, the doe eventually fell to the snow covered ground, and was assumed dead. Upon seeing the doe laying on the ground, the hunters walked steadily towards it, congratulating Andy for her clean shot. While
thought about the fable once he was almost attacked by a group of wild boars. Incorporated in A
In the novel, To Kill a Mockingbird, courage is a central theme. Throughout the novel, Atticus Finch- a middle-aged lawyer- was the obvious example for the courage. Atticus Finch had been appointed to defend Tom Robinson, a black man who has been accused of raping a young white woman, Mayella Ewell. Even though many of Maycomb’s citizens disapprove, Atticus agreed to try his best to defend for Tom. Moreover, he knew that people would hate him because of this charge and he considered that he would lose the case, but he did it anyway. By his action he wanted to show Jem and Scout the fair and taught them that they have face to the difficulty but not shirk it. “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for
It was just a normal day in africa, a herd of giraffes in the fields of grass just eating. The sun was very hot, the giraffes had to keep walking in order to find water. They stopped to rest and cool down in the shade of the tall grass. They also was eating the grass because they was very hungry along the way. After, they laid down for a little nap.
She sat on the couch watching PBS and indulging in succulent grapes. Flickering across the screen, was an aardvark and his best friend, a bunny, named Buster; some may recognize this description of the amazing show called Arthur and you are the fortunate who have seen it. She was waiting for him to arrive home just like every other night. Her mom was in the kitchen and the smell of chocolate chip cookies wafted from the open kitchen. Where was he?, she wondered, growing impatient like all eight year olds do. Soon car lights broke the darkness of the night and the dog collar was heard running towards the door. He walked in. Her dad always worked late, but when he was finally home, she ran to the man dressed in business attire and was lifted
Days continued with the creature going through the process of lying to the other animals who thought she was a friend. She did not even feel bad for any of these creatures. In her mind, she thought they were foolish for not listening to her. Any care of the other animals held by the mother creatures was at minimal. All there was to feed and protect were her children, and her children only. When survival comes it is her children that are going to survive.
Ever since Willa was younger she wanted her own otters. Those were her favorite animals. She loved them. For her seventh birthday, her parents got her two girl otters. She named them Snowflake and Rainbow. Every day she would hang out with them. Little did she know that they also had adventures of their own. While Willa was sleeping they would sneak out of their cage and go exploring outside. They would run down the streets and roll in the grass making sure they were back in their cage before she woke up every morning. One night they did not make it back in time. When Willa woke up, she screamed and her parents came running into her room. She quickly pointed to the empty cage. She quickly ran outside searching for them. On the other hand, Snowflake
There are many similarities and difference when discussing the life of Chinese and Egyptian peasants. Egyptian peasants were made up with the lowest social class of ancient Egypt. Most peasants consisted of farmers, unskilled laborers, and craftsman. Majority of Egyptian peasants lived with an extremely low standard of living. For instance, most peasants resided in small mud-brick houses.
A once phenomenal hunter, the blind boy had a mother who unfortunately very strongly resented him due to his father's abandonment and she had learned to mistreat him regularly. During a typical evening when he was finally sound asleep, his mother had secretly rubbed dirty whale fat in his eyes and cursed him blind. Now blind and confused, he was
It was a gorgeous summer day. the sun was shining, the birds were singing, and the world was at peace on the seemingly carefree sunday afternoon. church had just ended and the children ran fast and free ready to play. They ran two and twelve towards the town’s lake to go swimming, in order to ward off the heat of the noon sun. They stampeded through town bumping over numerous people and even one another to reach the cool blue waves. The menacing multitude took a sharp turn from the street to an old dusty road. The trees shook in the evening breeze and swayed slightly further when the children hurried by. Dust faintly clouded out the light that poured over the path. Finally they reached the dock and began to take off and swap clothes. The boys took off their shirts and pants and swam in their underwear, while the girls chose to go behind some nearby bushes.and exchange out their attire. When everyone was in they started to splash one another while laughing and shouting. A few of them dived under the water to search for fish and other sea life. When they came back, up two of them had seaweed, one held a starfish, and two others had a crab holding it by both sides. It was getting a little later in the day, but the kids were not quite yet ready to leave their fun to rest. They decided to play hide and seek even though the sun was beginning to make its descent behind the green curtains that were the distant hills. One child counted while everyone hid and waited. As he counted out
When I started at to real college I had some experience with in the field of special-education but not the knowledge that I have accumulated during the times of my masters program. I have developed throughout my time at Touro college New skills new strategies that will help me throughout my teaching career. It has help me open my eyes to a whole other side of special ed that I did not know existed. Due to all this new knowledge I have not found it difficult to transfer from a teacher assistant to a teacher. I feel like I have the tools and the encouragement to move forward in my teaching career.