Hamlet Hamlet; the play about death, the psyche of a man, love, and revenge. Throughout the play you see one guy, Hamlet, go through such a large shift that he contemplates if what he is doing is just or if he should end his own life. Hamlet lets his mind get the best of him, to which causes himself to lose control and hurt everyone around him, ultimately resulting in him losing the meaning of life. The meaning of life is something that us and philosophers have all tried to figure out at some point in time. Hamlet raises the question that we ask ourselves all the time, is the life we are living worth something. I would use the troubled psyche of a broken man to push the plot forward in my play of Hamlet. Hamlet is a man who lost his father and the respect of his peers and family because he felt that everyone had betrayed him. A revenge story about Hamlet, who wants to kill his Uncle because he believes he …show more content…
It is named this because it wants to capitalize on the main character to show what tragedy he goes through. Tragedy is a perfect word or idea to sum up this play in one word. Hamlet a character who came from a wealthy status and a loving family, fell to the full of vengeance and crazy Hamlet we see during the play. Hamlet goes through such a gantlet of terrible things that causes him to lose his sanity even more, to the fact he loses his idea of if his life is even worth living anymore. Hamlet during one of the acts shows he is a confused and broken man and contemplates suicide because he loses his meaning of life. I feel the message of this story is to not let your sins take over because they can take over your mind and cause you to hurt everyone around you even the ones that you loved. The idea behind Hamlet is to show that the meaning of life to a person is important and people must not lose their meaning. If they do, they end up hurting everyone around them even the ones they
William Shakespeare's Hamlet is tragic because all of the enmity being the product of one man's inability to make decisions. I believe the play is showing the steps of hesitation a person goes through who cannot choose, and the resultant angst. This one man is Prince Hamlet. Throughout the play he comes into situations where he just can't move himself into action.
Hamlet is Shakespeare’s most famous work of tragedy. Throughout the play the title character, Hamlet, tends to seek revenge for his father’s death. Shakespeare achieved his work in Hamlet through his brilliant depiction of the hero’s struggle with two opposing forces that hunt Hamlet throughout the play: moral integrity and the need to avenge his father’s murder. When Hamlet sets his mind to revenge his fathers’ death, he is faced with many challenges that delay him from committing murder to his uncle Claudius, who killed Hamlets’ father, the former king. During this delay, he harms others with his actions by acting irrationally, threatening Gertrude, his mother, and by killing Polonius which led into the madness and death of Ophelia.
The true meaning of life is unknown. There are many different ideas on what the meaning of life is. Moreover, In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare there are multiple ways the meaning of life is portrayed in three major characters; Hamlet, Claudius, and Polonius. Hamlet’s meaning of life is shown in a belief in justice, that morphs into a craving for revenge. Claudius’ meaning of life is strictly on power. Without power, one's life is meaningless. Finally, Polonius’ meaning of life is all about reputation. Without a reputation, no one will show respect, nor will anyone want to respect anyone. Unfortunately, all of these perspectives of the meaning of life will lead to the characters in Hamlet to breathe one last breath. Although, the meaning of life differs from Hamlet, Claudius, and Polonius. Polonius has the most practical understanding of the meaning of life in today’s world. Without having a good reputation one will amount to nothing. Polonius’ death was the only death that can not be entirely based on his meaning of life because it was not his reputation that got him killed, it was his love for the King that got him killed.
Everyone has been led to believe that all lives are equal, and they are however, in terms of monetary value, lives are not equal. Aside the ethics about assigning value to the live it is still done. The justice system tries to resolve this loss by using unjust means. Life should not be given a value in any sort of currency, it is is not right as there is no way to put a price on something as priceless as life. Even if the life of a person is affected by an illness, their worth should not be decreased. All lives are equal, some people need more help than others and it should be given if and when deserve such help. The value of life has been contemplated throughout history, such as Shakespeare's (1599) play, hamlet; in which Hamlet’s
Hamlet is a suspenseful play that introduces the topic of tragedy. Throughout the play, Hamlet displays anger, uncertainty, and obsession with death. Although Hamlet is unaware of it, these emotions cause the mishaps that occur throughout the play. These emotions combined with his unawareness are the leading basis for the tragic hero’s flaws. These flaws lead Hamlet not to be a bad man, but a regular form of imperfection that comes along with being human.
When looking at Hamlet, one could say that William Shakespeare put the play together as a very cathartic tragedy. The emotional result of dealing with so many deaths brings on a plethora of emotions which are not usually felt in a typical play. Hamlet begins not with the normal prosperity and good fortune as do most tragedies, but with a more stifling and depressing sort of mood (Tekany 115). However, something else could be said about this play as well. The play centers on Hamlet and his existential characteristics, such as angst, isolation and his confrontations with nothingness. The exhibition of these characteristics proves Hamlet to be an existential character.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet is a tragic play about murder, betrayal, revenge, madness, and moral corruption. It touches upon philosophical ideas such as existentialism and relativism. Prince Hamlet frequently questions the meaning of life and the degrading of morals as he agonizes over his father’s murder, his mother’s incestuous infidelity, and what he should or shouldn’t do about it. At first, he is just depressed; still mourning the loss of his father as his mother marries his uncle. After he learns about the treachery of his uncle and the adultery of his mother, his already negative countenance declines further. He struggles with the task of killing Claudius, feeling burdened about having been asked to find a solution to a situation that was
The play “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare is about a guy named Hamlet going through a hard time in life, after the death of his father, and the remarriage of his mother to his uncle. Throughout the play were are able to get a greater understanding of who Hamlet really is. The actions of Hamlet in Shakespeare's master piece “Hamlet” proves him to a revenge seeker, emotional, and crazy.
Hamlet will always be well known for his delay in killing Claudius. After the interaction with his fathers ghost. The ghost informes Hamlet that he must get revenge and now kill Claudius. But from the start hesitation was in effect. There are many different theories of why Hamlet delayed revenge the most well know are finding of a perfect moment and him questioning death and the ghost itself. Hamlet was never unfaithful, he always want to go, but that he had never finished thinking the matter out.
The play, Hamlet by William Shakespeare, surrounds the central idea of revenge and betrayal. Revenge drives the characters and determines their actions throughout the play, which results in several instances of betrayal. With revenge, the friendship and loyalty of characters are tested and conflicts are established between characters. Hamlet’s father, the king of Denmark, was helplessly poisoned by his own brother, Claudius. Hamlet, the protagonist, becomes aware of his father’s death and finds himself seeking revenge and starting a cycle of hatred. Hamlet embarks on his journey for revenge by displaying an act of craziness. Throughout the play, there were several moments where Hamlet’s actions caused confusion and made it difficult for
Shakespeare writes in a way that is difficult to understand for anyone that speaks the modern language. His story Hamlet is understood through the emotions felt by his characters. Hamlet is the main character who is conflicted with revenge and conspiring friendships. Hamlet returns home from Germany for his father’s funeral only to find far more troubling things. Hamlet is a conflicted character but that doesn’t stop him from knowing what he wants. Revenge is the main cause of his confliction but with great reason, which is important to understand about this play because it helps explain all the betrayal and tragedy.
Throughout generations, humanity has often questioned life. Why is there human existence in our world? What is humanity’s purpose in this modern world? What is the meaning of life? An example that questions life and death is portrayed in the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. Shakespeare’s perspective on human nature and Hamlet’s view on life are that life is meaningless without purpose, humanity cannot be trusted, death is inevitable, and one gets what one deserves.
In William Shakespeare 's Hamlet, there are many conflicts present that can be applied to modern time. Hamlet, as the protagonist, displays many difficult aspects that haunt mankind to this day. Hamlet is a dynamic character. He believes that he is the smartest person in the room, which most of the time he is. He comes up with conniving schemes to get his revenge. Although Hamlet believes in his brilliant plan to feign madness, it causes so much suspicion from others that it ultimately causes the untimely death of himself and others.
Hamlet, the titled character of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, William Shakespeare’s most prominent play, is arguably the most complex, relatable, and deep character created by Shakespeare. His actions and thoughts throughout the play show the audience how fully developed and unpredictable he is with his mixed personalities. What Hamlet goes through in the play defines the adventures encountered by a tragic hero. In this timeless tragedy, despite Hamlet’s great nobility and knowledge, he has a tragic flaw that ultimately leads to his ironic death.
Deceit, mystery, murder, and betrayal are all very captivating and together have the makings for a daytime soap opera. In this case, however, they are a part of the tragedy of Hamlet. The most regaling aspects of this play, despite the entertaining and compelling qualities just mentioned, are the revenge and the surprisingly unappealing nature of the main character, Hamlet. Throughout the play, Hamlet makes stupid choices that will ultimately lead to his own death, and the death of many around him. Hamlet should not be identified as a courageous hero seeking to avenge his father but instead as a coward lacking determination.