
The Two Major Political Parties In The United States

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As I came from a country that is one party dominated—China, where I grew up, people are not much interested in China’s political system, since we did not have a say about who is going to be the chairman of China, nor making any changes to our political system. Therefore, I found it fascinated to study other country’s political parties. There are two major parties in the America. The Republican Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, also known as the "Grand Old Party". It used to be known as the Democratic Republican Party. It was established in 1792. In 1825, the Democratic Republican Party split, one of which formed the Republican Party, renamed the Whig Party in 1834. In July 1854, the Whigs formed a Republican …show more content…

Although the name of the "Democratic Party" was used during the presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), its origin could be traced back to the Democratic Republican Party founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1792. Since William Jennings Brian was in control of the Democratic Party in 1896, the Democratic Party's position on economic issues began to be more left than the Republican Party. Since 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt called his New Deal called "liberalism" since then it has become the main policy direction of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has led the US government until 1964, it also supported the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The Vietnam War in the 1960s sparked out the disagreement over foreign military interventions within the Democratic Party. In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton has changed the direction of the Democratic Party's policy, the Democratic ideology has gradually faded, and in the US political spectrum tend to position in the middle, trying to attract more voters with the share of same republican …show more content…

For example, the Republicans have financially conservatives, the Gospel sects, social conservatives, liberal doctrines, ancient conservatives, neo-conservatives, and mid-moderates, and" Log Cabin Republicans "that support LGBT rights. Compared with the Democratic Party, the Republicans tend to be more conservative in social issues, more close to liberalism in economic issues, and have a close relationship with Wall Street (large enterprises) and commercial street (small businesses), but rarely get Trade union support from them. Republicans supports lowering taxes, advocate restrictions on government intervention on economic issues, and support with business development. However, the southern genre reflects the religious ideas of the Gospel sects and fundamental doctrines, less concerned about economic issues, but concerned more on the ethical issues, against with abortion and homosexuality. In the west, there is a strong Gospel Sectarian Republican forces, and in fact, the two groups of economic liberalism and social conservatism are not necessarily mutually exclusive, they are often overlapping in the Republican

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