As I came from a country that is one party dominated—China, where I grew up, people are not much interested in China’s political system, since we did not have a say about who is going to be the chairman of China, nor making any changes to our political system. Therefore, I found it fascinated to study other country’s political parties. There are two major parties in the America. The Republican Party is one of the two major political parties in the United States, also known as the "Grand Old Party". It used to be known as the Democratic Republican Party. It was established in 1792. In 1825, the Democratic Republican Party split, one of which formed the Republican Party, renamed the Whig Party in 1834. In July 1854, the Whigs formed a Republican …show more content…
Although the name of the "Democratic Party" was used during the presidency of Andrew Jackson (1829-1837), its origin could be traced back to the Democratic Republican Party founded by Thomas Jefferson in 1792. Since William Jennings Brian was in control of the Democratic Party in 1896, the Democratic Party's position on economic issues began to be more left than the Republican Party. Since 1932, Franklin Delano Roosevelt called his New Deal called "liberalism" since then it has become the main policy direction of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has led the US government until 1964, it also supported the civil rights movement of the 1960s. The Vietnam War in the 1960s sparked out the disagreement over foreign military interventions within the Democratic Party. In the 1990s, President Bill Clinton has changed the direction of the Democratic Party's policy, the Democratic ideology has gradually faded, and in the US political spectrum tend to position in the middle, trying to attract more voters with the share of same republican …show more content…
For example, the Republicans have financially conservatives, the Gospel sects, social conservatives, liberal doctrines, ancient conservatives, neo-conservatives, and mid-moderates, and" Log Cabin Republicans "that support LGBT rights. Compared with the Democratic Party, the Republicans tend to be more conservative in social issues, more close to liberalism in economic issues, and have a close relationship with Wall Street (large enterprises) and commercial street (small businesses), but rarely get Trade union support from them. Republicans supports lowering taxes, advocate restrictions on government intervention on economic issues, and support with business development. However, the southern genre reflects the religious ideas of the Gospel sects and fundamental doctrines, less concerned about economic issues, but concerned more on the ethical issues, against with abortion and homosexuality. In the west, there is a strong Gospel Sectarian Republican forces, and in fact, the two groups of economic liberalism and social conservatism are not necessarily mutually exclusive, they are often overlapping in the Republican
The Republican party is known as one of the two primary parties, the other being the Democratic Party.The Republican party became associated with the Laissez-faire capitalism, to lower taxes and conservative social groups in the 20th and 21st century.In the 1870’s the party had acquired the acronym GOP, widely known as the “ Grand Old Party.”Moreover, the parties official logo is the elephant it came from a cartoon by “Thomas Nast.”They oppose abortion and same-sex marriages, and they look to values found in Christianity.
“In spite of the founders’ fears, two major-political factions – the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists were formed even before the Constitution was ratified.” Sidlow, 2015, P 143) Federalists wanted stronger national government and Anti-Federalist (Jefferson Republicans) wanted states’ rights and feared government could become too powerful. In the election of 1796 was the first time candidates from different political party systems held strongly opposed party principles and this time period defined political life as we know it. For the next twenty years the Jefferson Republicans dominated American Politics. In the 1820’s the Jefferson Republicans split into two groups, supporters of Andrews Jackson called their party the Democrats, and the other group called themselves the National Republican Party (Whig Party). During the 1840’s and 1850’s Democrats and Whigs competed for the White House and the two party system fully emerged
1828 and 1884 the years the Democratic and Republican parties were found, but what did they have before? Well in the late 1790s and early 1800s the main political parties were the Federalist and Democratic Republican parties. Alexander Hamilton founded the Federalist party. Thomas Jefferson was one of the founders of the Democratic Republican party. Both parties had different views on things.
Democracy in the United States is based on the indirect representation of the people by elected officials who are usually chosen by direct vote. Almost from the beginning of the United States' history, however, two parties have shared the great majority of the elected positions from the local level to the presidency. However, up until the mid-1850's when the Republican party was formed, other parties such as the Whigs, Federalists, and Anti-Federalists did not last very long. The Democratic Party has existed for much longer, tracing its roots from Thomas Jefferson's Democratic Republican Party beginning around 1792 (Encarta). The two largest parties have changed, third parties have
The two main political parties in the U.S. are the Democratic Party founded by Andrew Jackson and Republican Party founded by anti slavery activist in the northern states. Both of these parties have different views and are the only ones used in the American government since 1952. The electoral
“The Republican Party was founded in 1854 by a group of renegade Democrats, Whigs, and political independents who opposed the expansion of Slavery into new U.S. territories and states. What began as a single-issue, independent party became a major political force in the United States. Six years after the new party was formed, Republican nominee Abraham Lincoln won the U.S. presidential election. The Republican Party and its counterpart, the Democratic Party, became the mainstays of the nation's de facto two-party system.” As stated in the free dictionary’s definition of the republican party. The Republican and Democrat parties are opposites on almost every decision they come to. The Republican party is more small government whereas the Democratic party is pro big government.
Political parties in America have been prevalent since the Federalist Party was founded by Alexander Hamilton, and the Democratic-Republican party was founded by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, in the 1790s ("Compare U.S. Political Parties"). These parties were developed from sharp differences in opinion. During this time period, there were opposing views on how the government should be organized (Flanders). In short, the Federalist Party wanted a strong federal government and the Democratic-Republican Party believed that states’ rights would be weakened in result of a strong federal government ("Compare U.S. Political Parties"). They also had differing views on how strict the Constitution should be, the economy and foreign policy. As the country grew, so did its pressing issues and citizen’s opinions on these issues. Consequently, the names of these political parties eventually changed to the Republican Party and the Democratic Party as more people began to band together to for their common belief ("Compare U.S. Political Parties").
While Democratic parties have not taken over since 1800, this year saw the unfolding of the Democratic party’s bright future. Andrew Jackson was the leader of the up and coming Democratic Party, who called themselves Democrats. The Whig Party was founded in 1834 to counter the policies of Andrew Jackson and the democrats. The second-party began in 1828, caused by the increasing levels of voter’s interest approaching presidential elections. The Second Party System became the first and the only system in which two major parties remained.
The Constitution has nothing to say about political parties. Nowhere does it define political parties or explicitly specify that there should be two dominant parties. Nevertheless, America has had a strong two party system for last 150 years, a degree of party stability and endurance that can be found in no other nation (Landy and Milkis, 451). This system of two dominant parties has both its advantages and its drawbacks, the same as any system will. The two strong parties simplify and stabilize American politics from both the citizens’ and the politicians’ point of view and allow for government to be unified across the separation of powers built into the Constitution
In July of 1854, the Republican Party was officially introduced. In an attempt to stop the expansion of slavery, a small group of abolitionists gathered at a schoolhouse in Ripon, Wisconsin. Core beliefs of the Republican party is that they want to return power
Thesis: This party was one of the first two political parties in the United States history. Founded in 1792 the democratic Republican Party was formed by Thomas Jefferson aside James Madison who opposed the federalists and their ideas. This party was dissolved in 1828
For centuries, two main political parties, the Democratic Party, and the Republican Party, have divided the United States government. The Democrats are considered the liberal political party and can trace its roots all the way back to Thomas Jefferson when they were known as Jefferson’s Republicans and they strongly opposed the Federalist Party and their nationalist views. Republicans are considered the conservative political party and try to uphold more traditional values. The Republican Party came into existence just prior to the Civil War due to their long-time stance in favor of the abolition of slavery. In 1860, they became an established political party when their nominee Abraham Lincoln was elected as President of the United States. Since their inception, the Republican and Democratic Party have had many disputes about policies. One of these major debates has focused on educational funding in the United States. The parties have different views on the education system of the country, but both agree there needs a change in some way. Democrats favor more progressive approaches to education, such as implementing the Common Core System, while Republicans tend to favor more conservative changes such as longer hours and more focused programs to better educational resources. In Virginia, Republicans from 1990 to 2013 worked to provide better educational funding more prominently than Democrats.
One cornerstone of the United States political system has been the two party system. Smaller third parties exist, but they rarely have an affect on who takes power. The two major parties evolved over time. The Democrats of today originated as the anti-Federalists and later became the Democratic-Republicans. Modern Republicans began as the Federalists and later became the Whig Party (Savage). The Republicans and Democrats differ on topics such as taxes, the economy, gay rights, drugs, crime control, abortion, social security, gun control and health care. Regardless of the names the two parties have carried, one party platform advocates for small government, intervening only when absolutely necessary and the other party
American history is filled with ups and downs. Starting out with only 13 colonies, America forcibly removed themselves from the one of the strongest empires in the world. Battling against political reform, the subtraction of resources from the motherland, the debt accrued by colonists, and the bank wars, America struggles to create a self-sustaining country.
Political parties are critical structures in the modern society and universal phenomena in most democracies. In fact, they form major objects of intensive study as they are usually the centre of political and social power. They engage in most activities that are of significant consequence in the lives of citizens and link the common populace to the government. Therefore, it is important to understand political parties fully from every perspective of political systems so obtain their real importance in democracies. A political party is basically a group of citizens who converge as voters, activists, electoral candidates and office holders with a common party label and seek to elect party members into public offices. While modern political