
The Ugly American Character Analysis

Decent Essays

The Ugly American is a novel that showcases the contrast between virtuosity and deplorability in American diplomacy. Through characters like Father Finnian and Colonel Hillandale the epitome of effective diplomatic efforts are displayed. With kindness, understanding of the Asian people, and a deep compulsion to help these men did more to contain communism and to bring aid to the people of Southeast Asia, specifically In “Sarkhan” than the whole of the American government. However, characters such as Lou Sears and Joe Bing displayed the ostentatious and self-serving nature of American diplomats overseas. Lou and Joe did close to nothing to hinder the spread of communism, and even less to aid the Sarkhanese. As mentioned Finnian and Hillindale …show more content…

For instance, Joe Bing hosted large extravagant parties that were funded by American tax payers. These gatherings where closed off to the indigenous people of Sarkhan, and where held for the main purpose of impressing white westerners. He also adopted horrible techniques when it came to recruiting members for overseas work, Joe made it seem like it was one government sponsored vacation with no real responsibilities. Coincidently people he attracted with this form of recruitment where just as lazy as him and led to a detrimental cycle of irresponsibility. Lou Sears was equally as vial if not worse than Joe, because he was in a position of more power than Joe, as an American ambassador to Sarkhan, and did absolutely nothing with it. He also doesn’t mingle with the Sarkhanese, but he is a blatant racist calling the natives, “monkeys.” He used his time in Sarkhan as a rest stop on the road to judgeship in America. He expelled John Colvin from Sarkhan, who was only there to clot the bleeding arm or Sarkhan and aid in the economic independence of its people. When the chance for him to leave came about he jumped ship like it was the Titanic. U Mang Swe summarized Joe and Lou perfectly when he said, “…They isolate themselves socially. They live pretentiously. They’re loud and ostentatious. Perhaps they’re frightened and defensive; or maybe they’re not properly trained

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