United Kingdom is found in Northern Europe in the 10th century, England was bound together into one kingdom. William, Duke of Normandy, vanquished England in this manner Ruler William of Britain in 1066. The Transformation under King Henry VIII saw the UK breakaway from the Roman Catholic Church and the ascent of Protestantism, with new pilgrims allowed land in Ireland, uprooting Irish Catholics, and the English Common War in the seventeenth century quickly toppling the government. Britain 's maritime force blossomed, and North America saw its first English vagrants. Provincial misuse and slave exchanging took after, and after the loss of America, English intrigues swung to India. Industrial Revolution changed the substance of England and …show more content…
Post-WWII, UK urban communities and huge towns have turned out to be progressively multi-racial, requiring real modification inside of its indigenous groups. Games are a noteworthy piece of English society, with football and cricket the national recreations. The four countries which make up the UK every have their own particular unmistakable societies, society stories, legends and an in number feeling of patriotism and personality towards their own conclusive legacy. Religion is a factor amongst the most compelling parts in the decisions and consequent choice of nourishments devoured in specific social orders. The great majority of Europeans were Christians. The largest single religious group, Roman Catholics, lived mainly in France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Belgium, southern Germany, and Poland. Another large group was composed of followers of Protestant faiths, concentrated in countries of northern and central Europe such as England, Scotland, northern Germany, The Netherlands, and the Scandinavian nations. A third major Christian group was composed of members of an Orthodox church. They lived principally in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, and Montenegro. In addition, there were Jewish communities in most European countries and the inhabitants of Albania and Turkey were predominantly Muslim. Christianity
Without a doubt, Canadian inventors changed the world of technology not only making things more interesting and fascinating but also improving people’s lifestyle. Canadians who spent years of their life trying to figure out the different puzzles and ideas that they had to finally come up with a genius concept, form now part of history. The 20th century was a time of innovation, many creations were somewhat taken for granted, however others have been in first place since then. Did Canada create some of the most important scientific and technological innovations during the 20th century? This could be proven by the fact that insulin made by Frederick Banting and one his medical students Charles H in 1921 and the pacemaker created by Dr. John
The importance of British investors to the actualization of Canadian confederation in 1867 has been interpreted and analyzed by Andrew Smith in his detailed book “British Businessmen and Canadian Confederation”. Throughout this book, Andrew Smith explains how British businessmen and other factors influenced the decision to accept confederation.
Around 500 CE, Christianity started to become the prominent religion in Europe, replacing the practice of polytheistic religions and eventually forming Roman Catholicism along with Eastern Orthodoxy. As Christianity and the Church became increasingly more important to both Eastern and Western Europeans, Christianity began to spread outward from Europe through various modes of interaction with other civilizations and empires. For example, by the eleventh century, military conquests in the Byzantine Empire brought many Balkan Slavic peoples under the control of Byzantium.
Firstly, religion was a major factor in European voyage. The travellers wanted to spread Christianity all over the world. Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal stated that he was inspired by “his great desire to make increase in the faith of our lord Jesus Christ and bring him to all the souls that should be saved” (Duiker 494). Henry’s words show how much people believed in their religion was the best. Another person who played a key role in Christianity expansion was Queen Isabella of Spain, “[she] showed fanatical zeal for converting the Muslims to Christianity and concentrated her efforts on muslims of Granada” (Buckler 503). Though the queen wasn’t able to wage an assault on Islam, she didn’t give up her hopes and instead moved onto pagan people, showing how determined Europeans were to spread their religion. Another prime reason that shows religion is important is that it served as a pretext for wealth and power,
Throughout the 20th century, the Canadian military has improved. WW1 and 2 brought on a new era of weapons and technologies. During the Cold War; Canada only exported weapons and supplies to the US mostly. There were other wars like the Afghanistan War and the Iraq War that helped Canada bring new things to the table. But throughout the past few decades, the major ways that the Canadian Military has improved, includes; diversity, military technological improvements, and soldier treatment.
England had first started having settlements in North America during The Age of Exploration, over time thirteen colonies were formed. In 1765 Britain began taxing their American colonies to help make up for the money lost by protecting them in the French and Indian war (bbc.com). This was the beginning of the colonies intolerance for their motherland. They continued to become more frustrated with Britain as they realized that as colonies of Britain they did not have all the same rights as British citizens. In 1775 the civil war between Britain and it’s thirteen colonies had just begun and lasted until 1783(bbc.com).
(http://www2.newcanaan.k12.ct.us/education/components/scrapbook/default.php?sectiondetailid=5158&) England became a leading world power between 1450-1750 greatly due to how they were affected by the Chinese and how they affected the natives of North America. England's Naval prowess allowed them to affect territories in the Americas and in India through colonization. In 1585 England took its first stab at colonization with the city of Roanoke, off the coast of present day North Carolina. Sir Walter Raleigh was granted a patent by Queen Elizabeth to travel to the new world and establish a colony. (http://www.nationalcenter.org/ColonyofRoanoke.html) The colonists were not prepared for the struggles and hardships that starting a new colony implied.
The idea of trading first started long before the confederation of Canada was formed. French travelers known as the Voyageurs had been trading guns and furniture with the First Nations people for furs and fish. The French learned of First Nations people that had exceptional hunting and fishing skills, these people were known as the Coureurs de Bois. The french befriended the them and began to trade much more often with them. These trades caused the English to want to jump on trading and began to rival the French. The trades made by the English caused the creation the Hudson’s Bay Company for fur trade.
In the words of John F. Kennedy, “communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both”. Canada in the 20th century has perfectly portrayed the meaning of the quote by treating communism inconsistently throughout history. Communism refers to the economic system in which the ownership of all property, and the means of production and distribution is commonly owned and controlled by the community including the workers, as well as the state. This system greatly landed an impact on Canadian actions throughout the 20th century. Documentation of such actions is found in several historic events:
Two emerging trends in Canada’s healthcare system are the aging population and higher survival rates from accidents and injuries. These are just two of the many current trends affecting the field of occupational therapy. Occupational Therapists are health care professionals that provide occupational therapy, which enables people to perform the occupations that encourage and promote health and well-being. Furthermore, this enables a fair society which allows individuals to participate to their potential in their daily occupations of life. Since Occupational Therapists work in diverse settings such as homes and communities, institutions, and industries and businesses, these health care professionals are well positioned to play a leadership role on healthcare teams.
Christianity was unlike other religions of the time in that it was a monotheistic worship though transcendentalism. The religions of Northern and Central Europe focused on gods in nature that explained the world around them. Christianity does not allow an explanation of this life, only that of existence in itself and the afterlife. The religions of these people at the time was also not as much a worship and commitment as that of the Christian religion. It is actually a great surprise to anyone that studies these religions as to how it could be that a religion that focused on piety, abstinence outside of marriage, and loving one’s enemy would be more fruitful a religion than the religions of Europe at that time that promoted feasts and festivals with excessive food, drink, and even orgies. The most compelling answer is that
Throughout history, a variety of religions have came and gone due to dislike and uncomfort. Before 1492, a majority of Europe was a part of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church controlled every aspect of a human’s life, for example: education, social status, and family matters. In 1517, Martin Luther had created the Protestant Reformation, which limited the power of the Catholic Church. Europe was now religiously divided, which created a larger diversity of religion to the colonies. Reasons such as Henry VIII decisions with the Catholic Church, English immigrants, and religious groups affected the relationship between religion and the colonies.
Russia was mostly made of Orthodox Christians while Western Europeans were mostly made of Catholics. The reason for the Russians being Christian and the western Europeans being catholic is that czars ruled Russia while Europe was not. Furthermore, Russia was later ruled by communism, and Europe being ruled by democratic republics.
Former prime minister, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, believed greatly in what he thought Canada was to become. “The nineteenth century was the century of the United States. I think that we can claim that is it Canada that shall fill the twentieth century. “ was said by Laurier and his words passed almost without notice at the time. However, it did not take long before his words had somehow been transformed into the most famous phrase in Canadian history, “The twentieth century belongs to Canada.” His words showed great confidence and pride in the actions that Canada was supposedly to take to fulfill his vision. He believed that Canada would fill the century, not in size or military might but in progress, growth, and quality of life. Ultimately, he
Since 1867, Canada has been attempting to become its own independent nation. Canada has been trying to achieve its freedom from external control and influence from the United Kingdom, and be rewarded with the right of self-government. Canadian leaders and heroes have been persistent on proving that Canada is capable of growing up and separating from its mother country, Britain. This sovereignty could bring Canada many opportunities, which she would have never come close to, as a colony of the British. Canada has dreamed of being able to make its own decisions, as a child would dream of becoming an adult. Over the years, Canada has proven this and become more autonomous through wars, treaties and its relationship with countries all over the