The division between the North and the South in terms of economy, society, and ideology caused the civil war. The industrial North was afraid that the agricultural South would force America to become a slavery country. However, the South hoped to expand slavery into western territories to gain more land for plant cotton. As the North and the South had grown further apart, the war is unavoidable.
The South secede from the Union because they felt their states’ right to holding slavery was threatens by Lincoln’s election. In the South, Slavery is a way of life. The South Knew that Lincoln hated the slavery and believed that Lincoln would abolish slavery. Therefore, when Lincoln was elect, that was the final straw for the South. The Atlanta Confederacy
There are three main reasons why there was a civil war in the United States. One well known reason was slavery. The South wanted to continue adding slaves to new states, while the North didn’t. The debate about the future of slavery was a big problem. This caused a feud between the North and South. The North didn’t see the need for slaves due to a huge population of people from Ireland and Germany immigrating into the North. The German and Irish could be hired as cheap labor, instead of having slaves. The North also didn 't have plantations with crops that needed to be constantly cared for.
One event that led to the civil war was the opposing views on slavery. Most people in the North thought that slavery was bad and they wanted to make it illegal to own slaves. However, the South's economy revolved around slaves therefore they didn't want to get rid of their slaves. These views on slavery caused many conflicts between the two sides.
The Civil War was started at Fort Sumner where the first shots were fired. Luckily, no one had died but this did start a nasty war. Even though the Civil war was gruesome, it did shape our nation as a whole.
There are numerous complex reasons for the eruption of the Civil War. No single issue was the cause. However, certain events and ideas strained the relations between the North and South more than others. By the time the Civil War broke out, the North and South were almost two completely different entities. Although there was definite economic and political strife, I believe that social conflict around prominent issues such as slavery led to an irreconcilable shift in attitudes and relations.
The Truth: The Civil War began due to differences in beliefs on slavery. The free states and slave states did not agree when it came to the national government's power to prohibit slavery in the territories that were not yet considered states. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 pledging to end slavery in southern territories, seven slave states seceded from the Union to form The Confederate States of America. Lincoln and most of his fellow northerners feared for the future of democracy and their country when this happened and did not acknowledge the secession as a legitimate political move. The war officially started when the Confederate army claimed Fort Sumter as their own in April of 1861 by opening fire and forcing the federal troops to lower the American flag and surrender.
The Civil War between the North and South was the result of two cultures that economically, morally, and legally clashed on almost all levels. The steadily growing conflict between the two parts of the union makes it hard to pinpoint the origin or the cause of the resulting war. The conflict arose from a nation thats geographical areas had slowly grown apart in their ideals and also their source of income, which is often the cause of strife between battling regions. This rift driven between the two areas gradually increased from one state disagreeing with the other in policy to an imaginary line drawn, dividing the nation into the North and the South. Measures were taken in order to try and close this divide but were unsuccessful because
Another political issue that revolves around the Civil War is the 3/5 compromise, or the three-fifths rule. The 3/5 compromise was put into action during the constitutional convention in 1787 in order to count the number of people for representation. Due to this, the southern states counted the slaves as 3/5 of a person instead of one whole person for each individual slave. One of the reasons this was a cause of the Civil War was because the South was not counting slaves as people, but instead as property. Another way this caused the Civil War is this effected taxes. The southern states were the states that had slaves, and therefore enraged the northern states due to the South only having to pay minimal taxes due to this comprise. Another area
The civil war was mainly sparked by tensions between the north and the south. Both sides rarely agreed on topics and could never make a compromise. Slavery was a big reason for the start of the civil war, but the causes don’t end there. Although some may say that political or economic reasons started the civil war between the north and the south, political reasons were the real cause. This is because of important decisions made by the government, and the south seceding.
The Civil War was caused by many several pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by sectional differences, and was finally set into motion by a most unlikely set of political events. From economic differences to political differences all the way up to cultural differences, the North and the South opposed each other. These tensions were further increased after the western expansion of the United States. By the early 1850’s a civil war was known to be likely coming soon.
There were many reasons that led to the Civil War. The North and South need each other for trading goods but they were enemies this was also a reason that lead to the war here is one of the quote “We are dependent on the Northern catlist’’ mean that people needed one another.
The causes of the Civil War were complex and have been controversial since the country began. Some causes include; states’ rights, economics, and slavery. The most recognizable and popular cause is slavery. The freeing of the slaves was an important moral issue at the time and one of the greatest causes of the civil war. "It was only by carefully avoiding the moral issue involved in slavery that Northerners and Southerners could meet on any common ground." (Goldston, 79). The time came in which our great country would finally address the moral issue of slavery. Although there are many different causes to the American Civil War, the main cause was slavery because other causes are rooted in the issue of slavery.
The Civil War was caused by a myriad of conflicting pressures, principles, and prejudices, fueled by sectional differences and pride, and set into motion by a most unlikely set of political events. From the colonial period in America where the institution of slavery began, through the period of the revolution whereby blood was shed to validate the notion that all men were created equal (yet slavery existed in all thirteen colonies), to the era of the Civil War itself, it is undoubtedly clear that the main causative factor of the war was slavery itself. With that said, it is the objective of this brief essay to shed light on three of the causative factors that led to the Civil War while subsequently considering the question of whether or not the conflict solved any of the issues that contributed to the war.
What exactly caused the American Civil War? There are so many variables that lead up to the beginning of the war inside America itself. First, how the states’ wanted their own rights. The election of president Abraham Lincoln and how the southern states had no role in his election as president. Lastly,slavery and how it brought economical help to the southern states how the states’ wanted their own rights. These factors are what caused this war to pull families apart: father against son, and brother against brother. The American Civil War is known as the bloodiest war in our country’s history because it was on our own land and it was between Americans themselves. The war was fought based off of view of who was animal and also based on pride between families. Pride caused problem during the war.
The economic and social differences between the north and south was a proponent for the civil war. The south relied on cotton as a cash crop, and cotton was a majority of all the crops produced. Producing this large amount of cotton meant that they needed a big amount of cheap labor, which at the time was slaves. Meanwhile, in the north there was industrial growth. The north would receive cotton from the south and produce goods, such as clothing. The south had an older view of thinking since they were still living agriculturally, and the north was advancing, because they were living in a city. The south also had a different view of social classes. The south separated people having those richer and smarter on top, and the poor and uneducated on the bottom. The north did not think this way, they had people with different cultures and apart of different classes working together (Kelly).
It is common to believe that the Civil War was fought over slavery and it is definitely the major cause because it was moral issue at the time. The Southern states felt that the Federal government had too much control over them and those states believed that the Federal government not only wanted to end slavery but also change their way of life.The election of a Republican, Abraham Lincoln as President, without any southern electoral votes signaled to the Southern states that they had no influence on the government. When the Federal government decided that all territorial expansion would also include no slavery in those new states the southern states believed they had no alternative and began to succeed and that led to war.