
The Underground M A Very Thoughtful Person

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Deeper Underground
While the underground man (UM) can be perceived as a dark person by some, he can also cause us to feel pity for him. Mixed emotions and many thoughts is what this character evokes to the reader. This man without a name can be thought to have no identity, he is an individual alienated from society. I personally believe that the UM is a very thoughtful person. I oppose to the thought of this man being in-sane as discussed in class. The underground man might not be “normal” or might seem to not be following the norm. This is only because this man is preserved and unexperienced. He does not know how to act due to his alienation from society and therefore, has many difficulties.
However I do not have pity for this man. As human beings we each experience individual struggles and carry burdens which in affect causes setbacks and most often people are unaware of them. Individuals usually see what’s on the surface and that is all they really know. Of course the UM is reveled to be an orphan and we know he does not interact with much people, after he retired from his civil service job. It is indeed his job which makes him feel as if he has power and gives him the joy of dominating. He enjoys humiliation as he mentions, “When petitioners came up to my desk for information, I snarled at them and felt indescribably happy whenever I managed to make one of them feel miserable.” (85) Humiliating as such is what gives the UM the sense of power and gratification. He enjoys

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