
The Unequal Treatment Of Minority Groups Essay

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Throughout United States history we can repeatedly see the unequal treatment of minority groups. The U.S. has always tried to reap benefits out of each decision taken, and often does not take into consideration the rights and treatment of minorities. There are many ways they have conducted their injustices to different groups of people. The two important models of minority exclusion that have been discussed as being shared among Native Americans, African Americans, and Asian Americans are apartheid and economic or political disempowerment. Apartheid is a model that was mostly seen during the “pre-civil rights race relations in the U.S.”(Week 3 Lecture 1). Apartheid literally means being separated or apart and can be encountered through racial segregation. This mode is usually enforced through means of force and threat of violence, it became challenging to sustain because of the high cost to maintain police powers in each state in order to enforce their threats.”(Week 3 Lecture 1). Economic or political disempowerment is when existing powers or rights belonging to a group of people are taken away from them. Different groups may experience the removal of distinct rights. My thesis is that both models of exclusion created obstacles and molded the political opportunities for the previously mentioned minorities: among Native Americans, African Americans and Asian Americans the inequity of apartheid was the common model of exclusion. Once apartheid ended it would lead to the

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