
The United States And Foreign Policy Essay

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America believed that it was isolated from the rest of the world, and its foreign policy reflected these ideas and beliefs. The United States was on its way to becoming a world power and advancing its own interest in the world, especially in the North and South America. Isolationism caused the United States to avoid being involved in other countries politics and for the U.S. to remain neutral in foreign policy Americans in the 19th century were more interested in domestic events than the affairs of foreign countries. Economic growth and domestic problems fueled the American imagination. Americans felt special, that they had their own destiny. They were separated by two oceans, and America had the freedom of governing itself with little or no interference from other world powers. We created legislation like the Monroe doctrine telling the European nations, that to colonize land, or interfere with states in North or South America would be viewed as acts of aggression, requiring U.S. intervention. We expanded our naval defense, and in 1883, Congress authorized construction of four steel ships and this was the beginning of a modern navy. The victory in the Spanish-American war further expanded America territories into the Caribbean and the Philippines and it gave Americans confidence that we did not need to be allied with foreign powers, especially Europe. Roosevelts furthered the Monroe doctrine by the Roosevelt corollary toward Latin America and The Open door policy directed

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