The United States Navy The business culture that I have chosen to write about is that of the United States Navy. “Since its birth on October 13, 1775, the Navy has been involved with more than ten major wars and countless battles in the effort to bring security, democracy, peace and prosperity to the American people. It 's stood as a constant deterrent against international aggression. They fought the good fight when necessary. Acted as a willing source of assistance to those in crisis or need around the globe. And moved humanity forward through everything from action to innovation” (Navy History, 2014). One might think of our military as a business culture but if they set down and really take a good look at it they will see that the …show more content…
A beginning enlisted person may not get any training other than basic training then sent on to a feet command for on the job training in their field. Others will go immediately to an advanced school then to the fleet. As a person is able to show the expertise or knowledge they have by spending certain amounts of time at a rank and passing examinations and ranking boards they can become advanced to higher ranks and then sent on to even more technical schooling which will help them to advance later on in the future. The United States Navy has set the standard in professionalism not only within the men and women serving but in the ways in which they conduct business. From the onset all military personnel are instilled with the professionalism required to be a sailor. They are taught how to walk, talk, eat, stand, act, and be that perfect sailor all of which fall above most company standards of professionalism. They are taught to be followers as well as leaders. In order to advance into certain rankings they are required to attend and pass leadership training courses which believe it or not will count towards college credits later on in their lives. There is a military curtesy also instilled into every man and women. They are taught how to talk and treat each other with respect. They are given the skills needed to listen correctly as well as orally and verbally communicating with one another. These are highly important professional skills
In this report I will be going over the importance of training and education within the military, and how they both play very important roles to not only leaders, but the service members within our ranks. The military is constantly training and, we train as we fight. However, before soldiers train, they must be well educated in all areas in which they will be training. Proper education is the key to proper training. I will also discuss the importance of becoming better educated while serving in the military, as it will make transitioning back into the
The USS constitution is very important to the history of the navy and to the United States in general. This ship was looked up to greatly, and it gave official hope and confidence to the U.S navy. The role of this ship is huge in fact, like the help it gave to the War of 1812. Firstly the idea was constructed that would lead to the development of the USS constitution was the Naval Armament Act. This was brought to the House of Representatives and the senate and they both passed it. This allowed the President of the United States to command six frigates, providing a Naval Armament. The USS Constitution firstly launched in 1797. The brave and important captains of the USS constitution were Samuel Nicholson, Silas Talbot,and
“Culture consists of the symbols, rituals, language, and social dramas that highlight organizational life, including myths, stories, and jargon. It includes the shared meanings associated with the symbols, rituals, and language. Culture combines the philosophy of the firm with beliefs, expectations, and values shared by members. It contains the stories and myths about the company's founder and its current leading figures. Organizational culture consists of a set of shared meanings and values held by a set of members in an organization that distinguish the organization from other organizations. An organization's culture determines how it perceives and reacts to the larger environment (Becker, 1982; Schein, 1996). Culture determines the nature
The U.S. Marine Corps’ is thought to be one of the five free standing military departments, but in all actuality there is only three departments. The U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, and the U.S. Navy are the only branches of the military that are correctly recognized as their own departments. There are two other Branches of the military that are under the U.S. Navy, one is the United States Marine Corps’. They were created to protect, but now they need protecting from budget cuts and disbanding. In order to protect the Corps’, they need to become their own U.S. Department, with their own funding and supplies.
In North America many of the new colonies participated in free shipping trading with counties all over the world with little interference by Britain. However after the French and Indian which ended in 1763 the British wanted to recover the money they lost to supplying the war on multiple continents using tariffs and restrictions on colonial trade they did see an increase in revenue during that period. They did so by implementing a series of tariffs such as sugar acts, stamp acts, and the navigation acts limiting colonists on foreign trade. Colonists would only take so much of Britain’s oppression. Looking at these intolerable acts as limits to their freedoms without proper representation or say in parliament, colonists took action. On
"The only easy day... was yesterday..." The Navy Seals was founded in May of 1961 during the Vietnam war. Navy seals have many teams across the entire globe, and the most popular is seal Team Six (Jason Graham and Stephen Baron). There are some occupational things you learn becoming a seal and being one. These Occupational Skills include: Climb, Conceal, Demolitions, Hide, First Aid, Handgun, Martial Arts, Navigate, Other Language, Parachuting, Photography, Pilot: Boat, Rifle, Sneak, Spot Hidden, Submachine Gun (Jason Graham and Stephen Baron). Some Survival things SEALs pick up include: Desert, Woodland, Cold Weather, Swim, Tactics, Throw, Track (Jason Graham and Stephen Baron). Plus one of the following as personal specialty: Electronics, Machine Gun, Medicine, Heavy Weapons (Jason Graham and Stephen Baron). Seals is a acronym for Sea, Air, and Land (United States Navy Seals). They also partner with the U.S Government agencies such as the CIA and the NSA (United States Navy Seals). The US Navy Seals are mostly used during the Vietnam war for demolishing and disarming bombs so that water rafts were able to get through (United States Navy Seals). Navy Seals go through the most gruesome training exercises, go in the most daring and classified missions, and use the most up to date weaponry.
There are also many ways to move up ranks in a particular job. One way a soldier can advance is going to Officer Candidate School. Officer Candidate School trains men and women to have the necessary skills to advance and become an army second lieutenant. The Green to Gold program is also an available option for advancement. This program can help soldiers get a degree and become officers. Lastly, a warrant officer can go to Warrant Officer Candidate school to go to a higher rank in the army for more money. The army has many ways to advance, but this is very hard to do so be ready for a struggle. School might even be necessary for advancement, but it can really help an officer's
Culture is an observable, powerful force in any organization. “Made up of its members’ shared values, beliefs, symbols, and behaviors, culture guides individual decisions and actions at the unconscious level. As a result, it can have a potent effect on a company’s well-being and success” (One Page, n.d.).
Professionalism is a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Professionalism is important for all of us who are part of the military institution in both active and Reserve components. It is important for all of us who love and respect the Army. We live in a time of change for the Army, and, as in all institutions during times of change and change in leadership, we need to emphasize
As a Recon Marine we are responsible for a wide spectrum of technical expertise that is not always up to date so learning is always occurring, it doesn’t matter who or what rank is teaching what matters is that the most proficient Marine or individual is the one we all listen to. So if it’s a young Marine that is the most proficient then we all listen and learn from him/her. In addition from learning from the young Marines we must attend general professional military education, it is a Marine Corps requirement and though the material is specific to the Marine Corps the process of learning remains the same. In order to remain relative and progress in my field, I had to attend over forty formal schools over the span of my career further instilling the fundamentals of the process of
The United States of America has not always been the world superpower that it is today. The same goes for its Navy. In the first several years of existence, the United States Navy was not a formidable fighting force. The young nation was hesitant to invest in a navy for many reasons, one of them being to prevent provoking the world powers of the time, France and Britain. On top of that, navies were very expensive to build and required a significant amount of resources to maintain, which the U.S. did not have at the time. To say that the United States Navy was ill prepared for war would be a dramatic understatement. The U.S. had a total of fifteen ships in its entire naval fleet compared to the might of the Royal Navy which possessed over six hundred warships. Even with the odds stacked against the U.S., President Madison declared war on 18 JUN 1812. The lack of size and power of the navy at the time would make it extremely difficult to satisfy the needs of the newly founded nation.
Maintaining your military bearing is the similar as being professional, But also has another definition to it, it means you are a soldier and should act like one at all times (being professional). Also it states that if you act unprofessional you are displaying to the world that the military is unprofessional. This is why you must maintain professional at all times cause you are the face of the military. Perception is reality in a lot of peoples eyes, that is a big deal in the military. In search of being professional you must, and I quote "cross all your T's and dot all your I's".
Education is not the only benefit that comes from service in the military. When many people first join, they are assigned MOSs. MOSs are jobs assigned to someone when they first join (Nance). Each MOS is specific and is usually related to the field an individual is interested in. He is sent to training immediately after basic training. Each branch of the military has different jobs, depending on what is available. Jobs can range from being a dentist to becoming a lawyer, but each has its own school for
The culture of an organization is the set of values, beliefs, behaviors, customs, and attitudes that helps its members understand what the organization stands for, how it does things, and what it considers important"(Griffin, 49). In other words, "the way things work around here" (Dr. Williams). In order for any small business or large corporation to be successful, the employees must understand what is expected of them. While things might be slightly different in a large corporation versus a small "mom and pop shop", the goal of both is the same. MAKE THE BUSINESS MONEY. The topic of my paper will be on makes a good corporate culture.
The classic Phrase by Mckinsey organisation, “the culture is how we do things around here” is taken as reference by many great people. It’s true that culture exist in an organisation which influences the work being done and also affects the success or failure of the project.